The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has raised concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris's chances in the 2024 presidential race, citing her low likability and her "far-left" record. This comes amid efforts by the liberal mainstream media to portray Harris in a more sympathetic light.

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown has cast doubt on Vice President Kamala Harris's presidential prospects, citing concerns about her likability and her "far-left" record. Brown's comments, made in a recent interview, come amid a concerted effort by the liberal mainstream media to rewrite Harris's past and present her in a more favorable light.

Brown, who had an extramarital relationship with Harris in the 1990s, expressed nervousness about her chances of winning over voters in the 2024 presidential race. He specifically pointed to her low likability ratings and suggested that she suffered from "the Hillary syndrome" - the perception that people do not like her.

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

Brown's concerns about Harris's likability are echoed in recent polls. An ABC News/Ipsos poll conducted a week after President Biden exited the 2024 race showed Harris's overall favorability rating rising from 35% to 43%. However, her unfavorability rating remained high at 42%.

In addition to her likability issues, Brown also criticized Harris's political ideology. He described her as being "far-left" and suggested that she downplay her gender and ethnicity in the presidential race because "the voters want her to answer them."

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

Brown's comments come amid a broader push by the liberal mainstream media to rehabilitate Harris's image. Since Biden exited the race, Harris has received extensive positive coverage in outlets such as The New York Times, The Washington Post, and CNN.

This coverage has sought to portray Harris as a victim of unfair media scrutiny and has downplayed her record as a prosecutor and senator. It has also avoided mentioning Brown's extramarital relationship with Harris, which was a major scandal in San Francisco politics.

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

The Liberal Media's Desperate Attempt to Rewrite Kamala Harris's Past

The liberal media's attempt to rewrite Harris's past is a transparent attempt to boost her presidential chances. However, it is unlikely to succeed. Brown's comments have exposed serious flaws in Harris's candidacy, and her low likability ratings and far-left ideology will continue to be liabilities.

While the liberal media may be able to deceive some voters, it is unlikely that they can fool enough to make Harris a viable presidential candidate. The truth about her past and her record will eventually come out, and it will be devastating to her chances of winning the presidency.

Brown's comments are a reminder that Harris has a long and complicated history. Her relationship with Brown, her tenure as San Francisco District Attorney, and her record in the Senate are all fair game for scrutiny. The media should not shirk its responsibility to provide voters with an honest and accurate account of Harris's past and her qualifications for the presidency.