The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

Major media outlets are now scrambling to downplay Kamala Harris' role in addressing immigration issues, despite her previous designation as the "border czar." This astonishing shift reveals the desperate attempts of the liberal media to shield Harris from scrutiny over her immigration policies.

The liberal media has embarked on a concerning mission to neutralize one of Vice President Kamala Harris' key vulnerabilities: her involvement in border issues. Despite the Biden administration's initial appointment of Harris as the "border czar," major news networks are now vehemently denying this title ever existed.

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

Axios, which previously reported on Harris' appointment as border czar, recently updated its article, adding an editor's note acknowledging its own past mislabeling. Similarly, CNN, which consistently referred to Harris as the border czar, has abruptly changed its stance, declaring that she never held such a title.

Other media organizations have joined in the chorus of denials. MSNBC's Symone Sanders, former chief spokeswoman for Harris, has vehemently denounced the border czar label as "misinformation." ABC's Jonathan Karl has echoed this sentiment, claiming that Harris was not the border czar but was instead tasked with addressing migration from Central America.

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

CBS News has dedicated multiple segments to debunking the border czar narrative, emphasizing that Harris' role was limited to addressing the root causes of migration. PolitiFact and USA Today have further discredited claims that Harris was in charge of the border, stating that her role was more limited.

TIME Magazine has labeled the border czar designation as "misleading" and admitted that it has become a "political liability" for Harris. NPR has accused conservatives of "making up the inaccurate term 'border czar'" and insists that the border's control belongs to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The Washington Post has accused the Trump campaign of "falsely branding her the nation's 'border czar'" in a campaign ad.

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The New York Times has taken the lead in downplaying Harris' border responsibilities, publishing an article four days before Biden announced his exit from the race, titled "Why Republicans Keep Calling Kamala Harris the 'Border Czar.'" The article asserts that Harris was never appointed border czar and was instead tasked with addressing the root causes of migration.

This concerted media effort to erase Kamala Harris' border czar label exposes a blatant attempt to protect her from scrutiny over her immigration policies. The sudden and widespread denial of this title, despite its previous acceptance, highlights the liberal media's willingness to distort facts to shield Democratic politicians from accountability.

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities

The Liberal Media's Egregious Attempt to Whitewash Kamala Harris' Border Responsibilities