The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The US federal government is facing a rapidly escalating national debt crisis, with annual interest expenses exceeding $1 trillion and projected to reach $1.5 trillion by 2025. This skyrocketing debt is not only a financial burden but also a major national security risk, limiting the nation's ability to defend its interests worldwide and protect its citizens.

The federal government's interest expenses on its national debt have more than doubled since President Biden took office, exceeding $1 trillion annually. This massive drain on resources is diverting funds away from vital national security priorities, leaving the country vulnerable to threats around the world.

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

In the event of a major conflict or crisis, the US needs the ability to rapidly increase spending on defense to protect its interests. However, the current high level of debt and spending leaves no room for such a surge, limiting the nation's ability to respond effectively to emerging threats.

The national debt is also crowding out private borrowing for investment, which is essential for maintaining the defense industrial base. Without sufficient investment, the US will struggle to produce the munitions and arms needed to support its troops in times of war.

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The ability of the US to levy effective sanctions and deter conflicts relies on the strength of the dollar as the world's reserve currency. However, excessive national debt and fiscal irresponsibility can undermine the dollar's value and diminish its influence in international markets.

History provides ample evidence that nations burdened by unsustainable debt eventually lose their reserve currency status and face military decline. By ignoring the escalating national debt, the Biden administration is jeopardizing the US's global standing and national security.

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

To address this looming crisis, Congress must prioritize fiscal responsibility and send a signal to the markets that it is committed to reducing the national debt. This includes implementing stringent caps on discretionary spending ex-defense to calm debt markets and reassure allies.

The Biden administration's failure to address the national debt crisis is a profound dereliction of duty. By prioritizing short-term political expediency over long-term national security, the administration is weakening the nation's defenses and putting its citizens at risk.

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

The Looming National Debt Crisis: A Threat to National Security

Time is of the essence. The US cannot afford to further delay addressing the national debt crisis. Congress must act now to restore fiscal responsibility and protect the nation's security before it's too late.