The Media's Cinderella Story for Kamala Harris

Fox News host Jesse Watters has accused the media of fabricating a "Cinderella story" for Vice President Kamala Harris, who is reportedly running her 2024 campaign like a movie. According to Watters, the media is distorting Harris's image and downplaying her weaknesses, hoping to create a positive narrative that will boost her chances of winning the presidency.

Jesse Watters, a Fox News host, has lambasted the media for its portrayal of Vice President Kamala Harris, accusing them of fabricating a "Cinderella story" to boost her 2024 presidential campaign.

The Media's Cinderella Story for Kamala Harris

The Media's Cinderella Story for Kamala Harris

According to Watters, the media is intentionally omitting Harris's shortcomings and presenting a false image of her as a charismatic and capable leader. This strategy is akin to producing a movie, where perceived flaws are concealed or manipulated to create a favorable perception.

"Kamala Harris is trying to fake her way into another movie, and they're producing it for her," Watters stated on his show, "Jesse Watters Primetime."

The Media's Cinderella Story for Kamala Harris

The Media's Cinderella Story for Kamala Harris

Watters pointed to the recent Wall Street Journal report, which revealed that Harris's camp is hoping to capitalize on the "left-leaning media bias" to portray her in a positive light. However, he warned that this strategy could backfire, as the public is increasingly wary of media manipulation.

"Cinderella stories get stale fast in our social media-driven, short-attention span world. And when they do, the media looks quickly for the counter-narrative," Watters said.

Watters cited various polls and anecdotes as evidence that Harris's campaign is failing to gain traction. He noted that Morning Consult showed no significant boost for Harris after the Democratic convention, and a YouGov poll similarly indicated no positive impact. Additionally, street vendors in New York City reported poor sales of Kamala hats, suggesting limited public enthusiasm for her candidacy.

Watters further criticized the media for ignoring Harris's record as vice president, claiming that her policies have contributed to the current economic crisis and social unrest. He argued that the media is deliberately downplaying these issues to maintain their favorable narrative.

"The media is not telling the truth about Kamala Harris. They're not reporting on her failures. They're not holding her accountable," Watters said.

Watters concluded by calling on the media to abandon its biased coverage and provide an accurate portrayal of Harris and her candidacy. He emphasized the importance of honesty and accountability in political reporting, and urged the media to resist the temptation to create false narratives for their own agenda.