The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

A New Yorker staff writer calls on journalists to question Vice President Kamala Harris about her policies and stances, highlighting her lack of transparency and flip-flopping on key issues.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been dodging the media, opting for a campaign strategy that involves staying away from press conferences and waiting for her opponents to make mistakes. However, a recent article in The New Yorker argues that the media has a responsibility to hold Harris accountable and ask her tough questions about her policies and stances.

According to New Yorker staff writer Jay Caspian King, an unexamined candidate can become anything and work under the influence of anyone once they assume power. He believes it is the job of the press in a healthy democracy to ensure that voters know who they are supporting, which includes asking Harris questions about her policies.

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

King notes that Harris has taken almost no questions from reporters and has spent most of her time giving stump speeches at rallies. He points out her flip-flopping and lack of transparency on key issues, such as fracking and Medicare for All.

Additionally, King highlights that the Harris campaign has not mentioned how a Harris administration would handle the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. He argues that the media has handled Harris quite gently and that there have not been widespread calls for her to sit down and answer questions.

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

King believes that even if Harris's campaign strategy is working for her, she should not be immune from explaining her policies. He argues that the press should persist in demanding answers, even if it risks disrupting the good times.

The Harris campaign has defended its strategy, claiming that it is the best way to reach voters in a short campaign season. However, King maintains that the media has a responsibility to hold Harris accountable and provide voters with the information they need to make informed decisions.

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

The Media's Responsibility in Holding Kamala Harris Accountable

The media's role in holding politicians accountable is crucial. By asking tough questions and demanding transparency, journalists can help voters understand the candidates' positions on important issues and make informed decisions about who to support.

In the case of Vice President Harris, the media has a responsibility to question her about her policies and stances, especially given her lack of transparency and flip-flopping on key issues. By holding Harris accountable, the media can help ensure that voters have the information they need to make informed decisions about who to support in the upcoming election.