The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The media is finally doing real reporting and asking tough questions about President Biden, but their newfound interest in his health exposes their complicity in a massive deception over the last four years.

The news media has been on a crusade against President Biden in recent months, raising concerns about his health and fitness for office. While this newfound interest in Biden's well-being is commendable, it also exposes the media's complicity in covering up his decline over the last four years.

Sources close to Biden have reported a marked increase in cognitive decline over the last six months, yet the media has only recently begun to acknowledge these issues. As recently as June 21, The New York Times dismissed videos showing signs of Biden's confusion as "cheap fakes."

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

This sudden reversal on Biden undermines public trust in the media. The media's aggressive coverage of Biden's problems now appears motivated by a desire to prevent former president Donald Trump from taking office, rather than a genuine concern for Biden's health.

The media's treatment of Biden is part of a larger pattern of interference in the democratic process. In 2020, government bureaucrats, intelligence officials, and the news media went to great lengths to ensure Biden's victory over Trump. They stoked unrest through Black Lives Matter riots, encouraged hysteria about COVID-19, and pressured social media companies to censor accurate information.

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The Hunter Biden laptop scandal was dismissed as a Russian influence operation by the media, former intelligence officials, and the FBI. The Twitter Files revealed that in September 2020, the US government-funded Aspen Institute hosted a tabletop exercise with social media executives and national security journalists to manipulate their approach to the laptop story.

Democrats and Never Trumpers planned other ways to prevent Trump from being reelected. In June 2020, former Defense Department senior official Rosa Brooks organized a simulation exercise called the Transition Integrity Project (TIP) for 100 political operatives, journalists, and academics. Attendees included Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, Democratic National Committee Acting Chair Donna Brazile, and journalists David Frum and Bill Kristol. The TIP exercise generated plans to prevent Trump from taking office if he won the electoral vote.

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

In February 2021, Time Magazine published "The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign that Saved the 2020 Election," in which operatives celebrated how they interfered to secure a Biden victory. "The system didn’t work magically," Ian Bassin, co-founder of Protect Democracy told Time. "Democracy is not self-executing."

Since 2015, the media, the Democratic Party, and the intelligence community have worked tirelessly to "control the flow of information" to defeat Trump. The result was the installation of a president, Biden, who cannot truly act as president, allowing unelected bureaucrats to control the executive branch of government fully.

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

The Media's War on Biden: A Desperate Attempt to Save Face

It's the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and news media, not the Party's primary voters, that in 2016, 2020, and 2024 determined who would be the party's presidential candidate. Democratic Party elites have taken extraordinary measures to prevent a proper competition between its favored candidates.

In 2016, party elites acted through the DNC to coordinate with Hillary Clinton. The Clinton team controlled the party's finances and strategy before she became the candidate in order to prevent a head-to-head competition with Senator Bernie Sanders.

In 2020, DNC elites chose Biden as the only candidate who could defeat Sanders and then successfully forced former mayor Pete Buttigieg and Senator Amy Klobuchar out of the race. These candidates then endorsed Biden at a pivotal moment, leading to Sanders’ defeat. And in 2024, DNC elites prevented significant competition between Biden and potential primary challengers, despite Biden’s clear signs of aging and cognitive decline.

The DNC's strategy of overriding the demands of the Democratic base has been catastrophic. President Biden has actually never faced real competition and is therefore, like Hillary Clinton, a very weak candidate. He insists he will not step aside to allow another Democrat to become the party's nominee. Democratic Party elites may still find a way to force him to step down. But doing so will only further undermine their credibility. And the Party will be left with either elites picking a candidate or a highly divisive contest between them.

Either way, the damage to the Democratic brand is alarming Democratic members of Congress in swing districts who fear they won’t be re-elected.

What, in the end, went wrong for America’s liberal Democratic and media establishment? The elites that control the media and the DNC undermined democracy within the Democratic Party. They did so out of an arrogant belief in their own political judgment as superior to that of the party's base. They were too entitled, narcissistic, and hypnotized by their own self-righteous hatred of Trump to consider the unintended consequences of sidelining Sanders in 2016 and 2020 and of shielding Biden from competition in 2024. In short, the media and Democratic Party were too elitist and too undemocratic to see the peril they had put their party and country in until it was too late.