The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

Jonathan Turley, a Fox News contributor and law professor, argues that the current era is the most dangerous for free speech in history. He cites a "triumvirate" of government, corporations, and academia that is allied against free speech values.

As America approaches its Independence Day, we find ourselves deeply divided as a nation. Ironically, we are still debating the core principles that unite us, especially the right to free speech. The current debate goes beyond mere disagreement; it is marred by anger and hostility, from campuses to the halls of Congress.

While this "age of rage" is not unprecedented, it is particularly alarming. The United States was born in a period of great turmoil, including the "Boston Tea Party," which was both an act of defiance and an expression of rage.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

However, the current era of rage is distinct in its hostility toward free speech. This is the most dangerous anti-free speech period in our history, surpassing even the darkest chapters of state suppression.

In his book "The Indispensable Right: Free Speech in an Age of Rage," Jonathan Turley highlights the inherent conflict between free speech and the human tendency toward suppression. While Justices Louis Brandeis and Oliver Wendell Holmes are often revered as civil libertarians, they also supported some of the most egregious denials of free speech in American history.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

True heroes of free speech, according to Turley, are not those who espoused popular views, but those who risked everything to fight for their right to speak—anarchists, unionists, communists, feminists, and others.

These are individuals like Anita Whitney, a feminist who defied police threats and spoke out against lynchings, despite the risk of arrest and imprisonment. Her conviction was ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court, with Brandeis and Holmes among the dissenting judges.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

Historically, America has repeatedly abandoned its free speech principles, responding to political dissent with crackdowns and mass imprisonments. This pattern is repeating itself today, as a powerful alliance of government, corporations, and academia suppresses free speech under the guise of combating "fake news" and "disinformation."

Ironically, these arguments mirror those used by the British Crown and the early American government to silence dissent. The difference now is the magnitude of the censorship system, which extends from campuses to corporations to Congress.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

Even law professors are calling for changes to the First Amendment, arguing that it promotes an "excessively individualistic" view of free speech. They propose allowing the government to curtail speech in the name of "equity" and "dignity."

Politicians and pundits denounce defenders of free speech as "Putin lovers" and "insurrectionist sympathizers." Despite these attacks, there is reason for hope. Free speech is an inherent human right, and it is essential for our humanity.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History

The current alliance against free speech may reduce our appetite for it, but it cannot extinguish our desire for it. It is in our DNA. This age of rage may not define us, but it is a testament to the enduring power of free speech, the principle that ultimately defines us as a nation.

The Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in HistoryThe Most Dangerous Anti-Free Speech Period in History