The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

Despite claiming to represent change, the policies of Obama, Biden, and now Harris have largely failed to live up to expectations. However, their ability to connect with voters and secure electoral victories remains a force in American politics.

The 2024 Democratic ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz evokes a sense of deja vu for those who witnessed the ascendance of Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Like Obama, Harris has a captivating presence and a compelling narrative of personal struggle and triumph. Like Biden, Walz is a seasoned politician with a reputation for empathy and relatability.

But beyond their superficial similarities, the Harris-Walz ticket embodies a deeper continuity in Democratic politics. It represents a continuation of the Obama-Biden playbook, a strategy that has combined progressive rhetoric with centrist policies to achieve electoral success.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

Obama's campaign in 2008 promised "hope and change," but his presidency was marked by a pragmatic approach that often fell short of its ambitious goals. The Affordable Care Act, for example, expanded health insurance coverage but failed to bring down costs as expected.

Similarly, Biden's presidency has been characterized by a mix of wins and disappointments. He secured the passage of the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, but his legislative agenda has been largely stymied by Republican opposition.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

Harris, too, has a record of promising change but delivering incremental results. As California's attorney general, she pursued criminal justice reform but faced criticism for her support of tough-on-crime policies.

The Obama-Biden-Harris playbook emphasizes the importance of connecting with voters on an emotional level. Obama's speeches resonated with Americans' hopes and aspirations, while Biden's folksy demeanor and emphasis on empathy have made him a likeable figure.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

However, the playbook also recognizes the need for pragmatism in governance. Obama and Biden often tempered their progressive rhetoric with centrist policies that sought to build consensus and avoid alienating swing voters.

This strategy has proven successful in securing electoral victories. Obama won two terms in the White House, and Biden defeated incumbent Donald Trump in 2024. Harris is now poised to become the first female president of the United States.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

Yet, the Obama-Biden-Harris playbook also has its critics. Some argue that its emphasis on electability has led to a watering down of progressive ideals. Others contend that its centrist approach has failed to address systemic problems such as income inequality and racial injustice.

As the 2024 election approaches, Harris and Walz will undoubtedly draw heavily on the Obama-Biden playbook. They will seek to inspire voters with their message of hope and change while balancing their promises with pragmatic policies.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success

Whether they can replicate the electoral success of their predecessors remains to be seen. But one thing is clear: the Obama-Biden-Harris playbook continues to shape the landscape of American politics, offering both a path to electoral victory and a subject of ongoing debate.

The Obama-Biden-Harris Playbook: A Legacy of Broken Promises and Electoral Success