The Political Persecution of Donald Trump

Fox News host Sean Hannity exposes the relentless attacks and threats against former President Donald Trump, arguing that the left's hatred and obsession have made him the primary target for assassination in the United States.

Sean Hannity, the host of "Hannity" on Fox News, has decried the heated political rhetoric and threats directed at former President Donald Trump, highlighting the alarming lack of urgency and accountability on the part of the Biden-Harris administration. Hannity emphasized Trump's vast support base and the fervent loyalty of his devoted supporters, contrasting it with the intense hatred that has made him a prime target for assassination.

Hannity attributed the relentless attacks on Trump to an array of adversaries, including the Democratic Party, the mainstream media, the deep state, and government officials. He deplored the "Trump Derangement Syndrome" that has permeated these institutions, demonizing him and creating a distorted caricature of his character.

The Political Persecution of Donald Trump

The Political Persecution of Donald Trump

The conservative host lamented the profound shift in perception of Trump within a decade. Once hailed as a wealthy celebrity by Democrats and the media, he has been transformed into a "threat to democracy" in the eyes of the left. Hannity asserted that Trump's politics and rhetoric have simply not aligned with the agenda of the Democratic establishment.

Hannity pointed to the lack of urgency and responsibility within the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in addressing the threats against Trump. He criticized the administration's failure to take meaningful action to ensure his safety, despite the credible risks.

Hannity warned that the relentless vilification of Trump has created a dangerous precedent. He emphasized that political differences should not justify such extreme hostility and that the well-being of all citizens, including former presidents, should be a top priority.

The host urged viewers to recognize the severity of the situation and demand accountability from the Biden-Harris administration. He emphasized the need to protect individuals from threats of violence, regardless of their political affiliation.

Hannity concluded by reiterating the importance of upholding the rule of law and ensuring that political discourse remains civil. He stressed that the demonization of political opponents must end and that the safety and well-being of all Americans must be paramount.