The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich urges Republicans to shift their focus from Election Day to early voting in order to increase their chances of victory in 2024.

The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

Despite the importance of early voting, many Republicans have traditionally focused their campaign efforts on Election Day, a strategy that has proven less successful in recent elections. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich argues that this approach is outdated and detrimental to the Republican cause, particularly in light of the Democrats' focus on early voting.

Gingrich cites the 2022 Republican Senate campaign in Pennsylvania as an example of the negative consequences of neglecting early voting. By the time the campaign began advertising, 40% of Pennsylvanians had already cast their ballots, putting the Republicans at a significant disadvantage.

The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

This pattern of failing to get the vote out early has a compounding effect, requiring significantly higher turnout on Election Day and hindering Republican candidates' ability to target low propensity voters.

In contrast, the Democrats have prioritized early voting, enabling them to identify and remind potential voters to cast their ballots. This approach has proven effective in winning close elections.

The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

Gingrich proposes a shift in focus to "winning day one of voting" in every state. This involves educating voters on the early voting process and setting an objective to win on the first day. By building momentum and systematically following up with voters, Republicans can create a cumulative advantage in the pre-election period.

He suggests that the Republican National Committee establish countdown clocks for each state and the District of Columbia, emphasizing the importance of early voting at all levels of the party.

The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

Conservative media and activists should also play a role in promoting early voting and dispelling misconceptions about the process.

Gingrich stresses that changing the Republican approach to early voting will require determination and a focused effort. By embracing a "serious win from day one" strategy, Republicans can significantly increase their chances of victory in 2024 and counter the Democrats' electoral advantage.

The Republican Strategy for Early Voting: Winning From Day One

Furthermore, Gingrich argues that the Republican Party should focus on building a robust ground game to reach out to voters, particularly those who may not be inclined to vote on Election Day. By establishing a strong base of early voters, the party can create a buffer against potential setbacks on Election Day.

In conclusion, Gingrich's call for a renewed Republican focus on early voting is a timely and essential strategy for the party's success in the upcoming election cycle. By shifting their priorities and investing in early voter outreach, Republicans can create a path to victory in 2024 and beyond.