The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

A Tennessee mother has ignited a debate on TikTok after declaring herself a "Venmo mom," preferring to contribute financially to her children's activities rather than volunteering her time.

In the realm of parenting, where schedules are often jam-packed and the demands of modern life intensify, a new breed of parent has emerged: the "Venmo mom." This term, coined by Casey Neal, a mother of four from Tennessee, has sparked a nationwide conversation about the changing landscape of parental involvement in children's education and extracurricular activities.

Neal's viral TikTok video, with over 450,000 views, has garnered both support and criticism. In the video, Neal candidly expresses her reluctance to participate in the traditional roles of room mom, class helper, or team parent. Instead, she prefers to donate money to support these activities, a decision that has drawn mixed reactions.

The Rise of the

The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

For Neal, the choice to be a "Venmo mom" stems from a desire to alleviate stress and prioritize her own time. She explained to Fox News Digital, "When I wasn't as involved as the other moms, I didn't feel very welcome in certain situations."

Neal's experience is not uncommon. Some parents may feel pressure to conform to societal expectations or face judgment from others for not volunteering their time. However, Neal believes that there is a place for all types of parental involvement and supports those who choose to contribute in different ways.

The Rise of the

The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

Other parents have expressed solidarity with Neal's perspective. One TikTok user commented, "This is so me. Just let me know how much money and I will send it." Another viewer said, "As an introvert, please don’t ask me. I’ll send all the money and cheer in the audience, though."

The "Venmo mom" lifestyle has also found support among the organizers of school and team events. "As a room mom and team mom, I can’t thank you enough for being a Venmo mom," one viewer commented. Another said, "As a room mom, I love Venmo moms."

The Rise of the

The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

However, not everyone agrees with Neal's choice. Some argue that volunteering time is essential for a child's educational experience and extracurricular activities. One viewer commented, "I do want to be involved [because] I wish my mom was [involved] when I was a kid."

Others expressed concern that if everyone were to adopt the "Venmo mom" approach, it would lead to a diminished experience for children. "My thoughts are if everyone felt like that, then the kids would have a sh---- experience in school," another person said.

The Rise of the

The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to be a "Venmo mom" is a personal one that depends on individual circumstances and priorities. Neal emphasizes that the most important thing is to support children in their endeavors, whether it be through monetary contributions or hands-on involvement.

As the conversation continues, it is clear that the landscape of parental involvement is evolving. While traditional forms of volunteering remain important, the "Venmo mom" concept offers an alternative way for parents to contribute and support their children.

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The Rise of the "Venmo Mom": Why Some Parents Opt Out of Volunteering

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