The Rise of Transgender Surgery: A Billion-Dollar Industry with Growing Concerns

A report from the American Principles Project sheds light on the rapidly expanding transgender surgery industry, which is estimated to reach over $4.4 billion in revenue in 2023. The report raises concerns about the potential health risks and financial incentives driving this growth.

A new report from the American Principles Project (APP) has revealed the startling growth of the transgender surgery industry, which is estimated to surpass $4.4 billion in revenue in 2023. This expansion raises a number of ethical, medical, and financial concerns.

The Rise of Transgender Surgery: A Billion-Dollar Industry with Growing Concerns

The Rise of Transgender Surgery: A Billion-Dollar Industry with Growing Concerns

The report's findings show that total revenues for transgender drugs and surgeries are projected to exceed $7.8 billion by 2030. This growth is attributed to a rise in the number of individuals identifying as transgender, currently estimated at 1.6 million Americans. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies and medical institutions are profiting handsomely from these procedures.

According to the report, lifelong use of cross-sex hormones can cost up to $300,000, while surgical transitions can cost $150,000. However, the report also highlights the potential physical and mental health risks associated with these interventions, including cancer, nerve damage, sexual dysfunction, and mental health issues.

The Rise of Transgender Surgery: A Billion-Dollar Industry with Growing Concerns

The Rise of Transgender Surgery: A Billion-Dollar Industry with Growing Concerns

Terry Schilling, President of APP, argues that financial incentives are a major factor driving the industry's growth. "There's a lot of money here," he told Fox News Digital. "So what would push people into these procedures and what would push people into encouraging other people to go through these painful procedures that cause so much dysfunction and harm to them? It makes a lot more sense when you realize that there are billions and billions of dollars at stake."

The report cites several prominent medical institutions that have generated substantial revenue from transgender surgeries, including Cedars Sinai, the Regents of the University of Michigan, and the Mount Sinai Health System. Additionally, pharmaceutical companies such as Pfizer and AbbVie have reportedly earned millions from sales of drugs used in transgender transitions.

Schilling believes that the estimates in the report are likely conservative and that pro-gender transition activists have boasted that the industry could surpass $200 billion per year, exceeding the revenue of the film industry.

The APP report also raises concerns about the potential legal liability for medical practitioners who perform transgender surgeries, given the growing number of detransitioners who report regret and health issues. Legal challenges could lead to a reckoning for the industry, similar to what occurred with the discredited practice of lobotomy.

Policymakers are urged to address the growing concerns surrounding the transgender surgery industry. The report recommends government action to protect individuals from the potential risks of these interventions and to address the financial incentives that may be driving their proliferation.

The rise of the transgender surgery industry has raised significant ethical, medical, and financial concerns. The report from the American Principles Project highlights the potential harms associated with these interventions and the financial incentives that may be driving their growth. Policymakers must take action to ensure that individuals seeking gender-affirming care are fully informed of the risks and that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect them from financial exploitation and potentially harmful medical procedures.