The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

Marc Thiessen exposes the media's complicity in deceiving the American public about President Biden's cognitive decline and their desperate attempts to cover it up.

The recent public displays of President Biden's deteriorating mental acuity have shattered the carefully crafted illusion perpetuated by the media for years. Now unmasked, the media's shameless partisanship and contempt for Americans' intelligence are undeniable.

For the past three years, Americans have witnessed an undeniable truth: President Biden is unfit for office. His cognitive decline has become painfully apparent, casting doubt on his ability to lead the nation. However, the liberal media, driven by their ideological agenda, has persistently denied reality, downplaying or outright dismissing concerns about Biden's mental state.

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

The public immolation of Biden's credibility has left the media apparatus that propelled him to power in a precarious position. They now face the daunting task of explaining why they misled millions of Americans, who trusted them to be objective and honest.

The media's first line of defense has been their usual tactic of deflection, blaming the Biden team for misleading them. However, this is nothing more than an attempt to deflect responsibility for their own complicity. They knew about Biden's cognitive decline, but they chose to ignore it or dismiss it as insignificant.

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

Imagine if Donald Trump, Mitt Romney, or George W. Bush had exhibited similar signs of mental incapacity. The media would have seized upon it, relentlessly amplifying the issue and calling for their removal from office. However, for the left and its media mouthpieces, the rules are different.

The media's anger over their exposed deception is not directed solely at the Biden team; it is also a reflection of their own deep embarrassment. When Americans realized the truth about the president, they also saw the media's true nature: a partisan machine that cares more about protecting its favored candidates than informing the public.

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

The Shameless Media's Betrayal of America

The media's loss of credibility is a significant setback in their plans to prevent Donald Trump's return to office in 2024. Now they face the daunting task of discrediting not one, but two presidents simultaneously: Biden and Trump.

The media establishment has developed a taste for making and breaking presidents. They have played a significant role in shaping the course of American history, from the Kennedy era to the present day. However, they have overstepped their constitutional mandate, becoming an unchecked power that wields undue influence over the presidency.

The Founders enshrined the freedom of the press in the First Amendment for a reason. A truly free press is essential for self-governance. However, the media apparatus that we have today is far from free. It has become a faction that exerts its own rule and dominance over society.

When an institution that was meant to inform and empower the people becomes a governing force itself, it is time for change. We must restore the American people to their rightful place as the primary authority in their own governance. This includes reining in the media's excessive influence and ensuring that they fulfill their constitutional role as watchdogs, not masters.