The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

After three decades of torment and mystery, the case of Jonelle Matthews, the 12-year-old girl who vanished before Christmas in 1984, has been solved, with her neighbor, Steve Pankey, convicted of her murder.

For over three decades, the disappearance of Jonelle Matthews haunted her family, the Greeley, Colorado community, and countless others who had seen her face on milk cartons across the country. The 12-year-old girl vanished without a trace just five days before Christmas in 1984, leaving behind nothing but an enduring mystery.

But the wheels of justice turned slowly, and it would take a relentless investigation and the unwavering determination of retired lead detective Robert Cash to finally unravel the truth. Cash and his team refused to give up, and in a stunning turn of events, they received a phone call in 2019 that sent shivers down their spines.

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

In a rural area near Greeley, workers digging a pipeline had discovered human remains that matched Jonelle's dental records. It was a bittersweet moment, but Matthews' identity was confirmed, and her death was ruled a homicide. She had died from a single gunshot wound to the head.

As the investigation progressed, suspicion fell on Matthews' neighbor, Steve Pankey. Pankey's behavior had always been peculiar, and he had inserted himself into the case in the early days, but there was no concrete evidence linking him to Matthews' disappearance.

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

However, over the years, Pankey's obsession with the case and his bizarre actions raised eyebrows. He had made threats against his wife, Angela Hicks, and spouted cryptic statements about the investigation. Cash told Fox News Digital that Pankey "even in the early days of the case, ... reached out to law enforcement."

Hicks, who had witnessed Pankey's erratic behavior firsthand, played a crucial role in the case. She provided investigators with valuable information, and her testimony at the trial proved to be instrumental in securing Pankey's conviction.

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

In 2022, after a retrial, Pankey was found guilty of felony murder, second-degree kidnapping, and false reporting in Matthews' death. He was sentenced to life in prison with the possibility of parole in 2040.

Throughout the investigation, Cash remained steadfast in his belief that Pankey was responsible for Matthews' murder. "He was a monster who tapped on the shoulder of law enforcement," Cash said. "He taunted law enforcement."

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

Cash believes Pankey's motive was rooted in anger towards his church, which he despised. Matthews, an innocent bystander, became collateral damage in Pankey's vengeful scheme.

The case of Jonelle Matthews serves as a reminder that even decades after a crime, justice can prevail. With the right connections, the right intentions, and the unwavering pursuit of truth, cold cases can be solved, and victims' families can find closure.

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder

The Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' MurderThe Taunting Killer: Steve Pankey and the 35-Year Mystery of Jonelle Matthews' Murder