The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld takes aim at the media and Democrats for their claims that the Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity will allow Trump to commit heinous acts, arguing instead that such fears are unfounded and a distraction from the issue of Biden's unfitness for office.

Consider yesterday's Supreme Court decision on presidential immunity. In the dissent, Justice Sotomayor expressed concerns that Trump could use this immunity to commit grave crimes such as assassinations, military coups, or bribery. However, such fears are unfounded and border on the ridiculous.

The president is not immune from impeachment and criminal prosecution. Impeachment would trigger a trial in the Senate, and if convicted, the president would be removed from office. Moreover, the president's actions can still be investigated and prosecuted by Congress and the Justice Department.

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The media's alarmism over the ruling is a reflection of their Trump derangement syndrome, a condition that has clouded their judgment and led them to abandon all semblance of objectivity. They have repeatedly peddled extreme fantasies, such as the claim that Trump could use Seal Team Six to assassinate his political rivals.

Such claims are not only absurd but also insulting to the intelligence of the American people. How would Trump accomplish such a feat? Would he poison Pelosi's Botox? Send Nadler suicide diapers? Such scenarios are so far-fetched that they would be comical if not for the fact that they are being taken seriously by some.

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Supreme Court's decision simply clarified the limits of presidential power, ensuring that the president is not above the law but also not subject to frivolous lawsuits that could paralyze the executive branch.

However, the Democrats have seized upon this ruling as an opportunity to deflect attention from the real issue: the unfitness of Joe Biden for office. Biden's cognitive decline is becoming increasingly apparent, raising serious concerns about his ability to serve as president.

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

Instead of addressing this issue, the Democrats are banking on scare tactics to rally their base. They are painting a picture of Trump as a tyrannical dictator who will unleash chaos upon the world, in contrast to Biden, whom they portray as a wise and benevolent leader.

This strategy is not only dishonest but also counterproductive. The more the Democrats hype up the threat of Trump, the more they expose the weakness of their own candidate.

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The American people are not fooled by these scare tactics. They recognize that Trump is not a threat to democracy, but Biden's unfitness is a genuine concern.

The Democrats' reliance on Trump derangement is a sign of desperation. They know that Biden is a flawed candidate, and they are trying to distract from his weaknesses by manufacturing a crisis.

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

The Trouble with Trump Derangement: Why Democrats' Apocalyptic Fantasies Are Backfiring

However, this strategy is backfiring. The public is tired of the constant hysteria and is increasingly skeptical of the Democrats' claims.

The end of the Trump era does not mean the end of the world. It is an opportunity for a return to normalcy, where governance is based on ability and not imaginary threats.