The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

Despite warnings from Americans, many government agencies refuse to acknowledge the severe threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). This denialism, coupled with CCP influence, has hindered effective countermeasures.

As Americans increasingly recognize the grave threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), a disturbing trend has emerged within the federal government: a reluctance to openly acknowledge and address this danger. This denialism has manifested in various forms, ranging from tepid responses to outright censorship. The House Oversight Committee, led by Representative James Comer, has launched an investigation into this troubling situation, highlighting the urgent need for a comprehensive strategy to counter CCP political warfare.

For decades, the CCP has orchestrated an insidious campaign aimed at undermining America from within. This strategy, known as political warfare, involves a multifaceted approach that seeks to weaken the United States without resorting to military conflict. The CCP has employed a wide array of tactics, including espionage, disinformation, economic coercion, and influence operations, all designed to erode America's strength and global standing.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

Despite the overwhelming evidence of CCP political warfare, many federal agencies have failed to adequately respond to this threat. Some agencies have even succumbed to CCP influence, hindering their ability to effectively address the issue. This has resulted in a situation where the federal government is ill-equipped to protect American interests and values from CCP encroachment.

The House Oversight Committee's investigation has uncovered numerous examples of government agencies' unwillingness to address the CCP threat head-on. For instance, the NASA administrator recently congratulated the CCP on its lunar exploration achievements, demonstrating a profound naivety regarding China's militaristic ambitions in space. Such statements betray a fundamental misunderstanding of the CCP's ultimate goals and serve to undermine America's national interests.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

Similarly, the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has refused to warn Americans about the unique dangers posed by Chinese-made products, despite the fact that a significant proportion of dangerous shipments originate from China. This refusal to acknowledge the potential risks to American consumers is a dereliction of duty and puts the safety of the public at risk.

The willful blindness of federal agencies to CCP political warfare is a serious concern, as it hampers the development and implementation of effective countermeasures. This denialism may be attributed in part to CCP influence, which has managed to penetrate various levels of the government. The Department of Justice's (DOJ) decision to shut down the China Initiative in 2022, despite finding no evidence of racial bias, is a case in point.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The DOJ's evasiveness regarding the origins of the unsubstantiated claims of racial bias suggests that it may have been influenced by CCP wedge narratives. These narratives are designed to sow division among Americans and undermine support for efforts to counter CCP interference. The fact that the DOJ has been compromised in this way is a serious blow to national security.

The creeping political warfare waged by the CCP requires a bold and comprehensive response from the federal government. Agencies must first acknowledge that we are in a new Cold War, with an authoritarian regime that poses a clear and present danger to American values and interests. This acknowledgment must be followed by a concerted effort to develop and implement effective countermeasures to neutralize CCP influence and protect American sovereignty.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

One of the few agencies that has shown a willingness to confront the CCP threat directly is the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). The DEA has candidly addressed the devastating role of fentanyl precursors originating in China and the involvement of Chinese transnational criminal organizations in drug trafficking. This agency's forthrightness is a welcome exception to the denialism that has plagued other agencies.

However, the efforts of the DEA alone are not sufficient to combat the multifaceted threat posed by the CCP. All federal agencies must wake up to this danger and engage with the American people to push back against infiltration and influence. The good news is that Americans are better prepared for this confrontation than their own government, having maintained a strong sense of pride and patriotism.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial

The House Oversight Committee will continue to demand accountability from federal agencies that fail to address the CCP threat. The American people deserve a government that is willing to stand up for their interests and protect them from foreign adversaries. The denialism and CCP influence that have permeated the federal government must be eradicated, and a comprehensive strategy to counter CCP political warfare must be implemented without delay.

The Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in DenialThe Unprecedented Threat from China: America's Agencies in Denial