The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The government and the elite have been overstepping their boundaries, providing "help" that has created more problems for Americans. From economic policies to energy initiatives and minimum wage increases, these actions have had unintended consequences that have hurt the very people they were intended to help.

In the words of Ronald Reagan, "The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government, and I'm here to help.'" Unfortunately, this sentiment has become all too true in recent years, as the government and the elite have increasingly intervened in our lives under the guise of helping us.

While the intentions of these actions may be good, the consequences have often been disastrous. This is because actions have consequences, regardless of their source. Individuals and entities cannot "play God" and escape the repercussions of their choices.

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

One of the most egregious examples of unwelcome government help is the recent surge in spending and money printing. The American Rescue Plan, which doled out individual checks in the name of "helping" individuals, has fueled massive inflation that has made it difficult for many Americans to keep up with the increased cost of living.

Despite warnings from economists, the Biden administration has doubled down on this reckless spending, further driving up inflation and harming the very people it claims to be helping.

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The government, again backed by the elite, has also embarked on a massive campaign to move us away from traditional sources of energy. Despite cheap, plentiful, and effective traditional energy being foundational to a better standard of living, the hubris of those who "know better" has overshadowed reality.

This push towards "green" energy has made our energy more expensive and given more power to major oil producers and countries like China. It has also failed to make any meaningful impact on the environment.

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

Another area where the elite and government want to "help" is by raising the minimum wage. In California, where a new wage specifically for fast-food workers was raised to a floor of $20 an hour, the selling point was to "help" unskilled workers.

However, actions still have consequences. From more technology replacing jobs to restaurants shutting down altogether, there have been real and predictable outcomes from these actions.

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The elite who are decoupled from reality (and math) argue that it is great to see workers getting paid more. They remain fixated on the nominal value of wages instead of purchasing power. Raising the minimum wage arbitrarily can be the catalyst for broad price increases and keeping people out of jobs altogether.

Americans are paying for the government's and the elite's unwelcome help on credit cards and with depleted bank accounts. If they truly want to help, the best thing they can do is just stay out of the way.

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The Unwelcome Help from Government and the Elite

The government and the elite have a long history of overstepping their boundaries and providing unwelcome help that has created more problems than it has solved. From economic policies to energy initiatives and minimum wage increases, these actions have had unintended consequences that have hurt the very people they were intended to help.

It is time for the government and the elite to learn their lesson and let the free market and individual liberty prevail. Only then will Americans be able to truly thrive.