The Vaccination Crisis: Unvaccinated Migrants Pose Health Risks to Americans

The influx of illegal immigrants into the United States has brought with it a surge in preventable infectious diseases. Despite immigration law requiring vaccinations, the lack of enforcement by the Biden administration has resulted in a public health crisis.

The Vaccination Crisis: Unvaccinated Migrants Pose Health Risks to Americans

The United States has witnessed an unprecedented surge in illegal immigration over the past three and a half years. This mass influx, facilitated by the current administration's policies, has had severe consequences for the nation's safety, economy, and social stability. However, another grave crisis has emerged, one that has received scant attention: a public health emergency stemming from the lack of vaccinations among illegal migrants.

Despite clear immigration laws mandating vaccinations, millions of migrants entering the country illegally are not being required to undergo immunization. This omission, either tacit or deliberate, has created a fertile breeding ground for preventable infectious diseases.

The Vaccination Crisis: Unvaccinated Migrants Pose Health Risks to Americans

Migrant centers have become hotbeds for outbreaks, while hospitals and clinics across the nation are overwhelmed by illegal aliens suffering from diseases that had been eradicated within the country's borders.

Contrastingly, legal immigrants entering the United States are required to provide proof of vaccinations against 12 pathogens, including COVID-19, mumps, measles, polio, and Hepatitis B.

The Vaccination Crisis: Unvaccinated Migrants Pose Health Risks to Americans

The lack of vaccinations among illegal immigrants has led to a resurgence of preventable infectious diseases, including mumps, measles, tuberculosis (TB), and polio. These diseases once eradicated through vaccination efforts are now making a comeback due to the influx of unvaccinated individuals.

Outbreaks in migrant populations disrupt shelter operations, isolating residents and preventing the entry of new arrivals. The infections spread to those in close contact, including government officials, volunteers, schoolteachers, and the wider community.

The Vaccination Crisis: Unvaccinated Migrants Pose Health Risks to Americans

Evidence of the severity of this crisis is evident in the resurgence of TB in certain regions. In Santa Clara County, California, TB cases jumped 19% from 2022 to 2023, primarily due to the arrival of infected individuals from TB-endemic countries.

Thousands of migrant children with untreated TB have been released into 44 states without proper medical care, creating a ticking time bomb for public health.

Other diseases, such as chicken pox, measles, mumps, and whooping cough, have also spiked in areas with large migrant populations, such as New York City and Chicago.

Experts estimate that vaccinating illegal immigrants against the same diseases required for legal immigrants would save lives and money, as the healthcare savings from vaccination exceed the vaccination costs.

Bringing illegal immigrants up to date on vaccinations is imperative to protect their health, the health of American citizens, and the overburdened healthcare system. Serial vaccinations are necessary for effective immunity against many of these diseases.

Portable documentation of vaccinations should be provided to migrants to track their progress and ensure completion. Vaccination should commence at the border for all illegal immigrants before they are released or detained.

A comprehensive national vaccination effort for illegal immigrants is crucial to safeguard migrants, citizens, the healthcare system, and the nation's financial well-being. Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan emphasizes the urgent need for action to address this growing threat.