The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The inclusion of women in the military draft is a dangerous and misguided attempt to erase the fundamental differences between men and women. This agenda threatens the well-being of women and the stability of American society.

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The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The push to draft women into the military is a manifestation of the radical feminist ideology that has been eroding the foundations of society for decades. This ideology falsely equates equality with sameness, denying the inherent differences between men and women.

From the playing fields of high school sports to the battlefield, the erasure of sex-based protections has endangered women by forcing them to compete with men who possess biological advantages. The consequences of this ideology have been devastating, leading to the erosion of the American family, the degradation of new life, and the demise of flourishing femininity.

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The 2025 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) introduced in the U.S. Senate is the latest vehicle for the radical feminist agenda. It would require young women to register with the selective service, making them eligible for the draft. This proposal is nothing short of a mockery of the military's purpose, which is to protect and defend the nation.

The military is not a social experiment for some attempt at equality. It is a fighting force that requires different abilities and strengths from men and women. Drafting women would destabilize already vulnerable families and escalate the dangers placed on women, gambling the lives of daughters in foreign wars.

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

Men and women are different, and this difference is not a flaw but a blessing. Men have a civil obligation to defend the freedom they and their families at home enjoy every day. Inflating one role to another is misinformation about familial obligations and undermines the bedrock of society.

Military funding and the draft are not just another set of tools politicians can leverage toward "social justice" efforts. They are a real mechanism for real wars, and Americans should be disgusted by this mockery.

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

Despite the seriousness of this proposal, girls nationwide have taken to social media to joke about the possibility. They flood networks with videos titled "If the girls got drafted," making light of a situation that has serious implications for the future of American society.

Though built on satire, this trend indicates that society has not lost all sanity and can still identify the ludicrousness of this notion.

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda

Americans must demand adequate provisions for their daughters. Ignoring our biology is not "equality," and enforcing sameness is not "progressive." The draft should be reserved for those who are biologically and physically capable of defending the nation, and women should not be forced to sacrifice their lives in the name of a misguided ideology.

The War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister AgendaThe War Against Women: Drafting Women into the Military Is a Sinister Agenda