The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

Fox News host Pete Hegseth grapples with a profound question in his latest book, "The War on Warriors." As a veteran himself, Hegseth probes the military's shift towards "wokeness" and its implications for future generations of service members. The book examines the dilemma facing many veterans and patriotic hearts: is service still worth it in a military influenced by leftist ideology?

The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

The question that sparked my latest book, "The War on Warriors," was both simple and haunting: do I want my sons to follow in my footsteps and serve in the military? Once an automatic assumption, this decision has been shaken to its core. Given the Pentagon's upside-down priorities, do I genuinely desire my children to serve?

The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

As of yet, the answer remains elusive. It was with this uncertainty that I penned "A Letter to My Sons" as the book's epilogue, reflecting on the challenges and decisions they will face in the years to come:

Dear Boys,

The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

Life has bestowed upon me the greatest blessing imaginable: being your father. I consider it the highest honor and embrace it with unwavering devotion. My unwavering love and guidance stem from the profound bond we share.

You are each unique individuals with distinct talents, interests, and passions. As God's children and, hopefully, future men of God, you were raised in a Christian covenant home. Our eternal home lies within Christ's Kingdom, and we strive to love Him with all our hearts and souls. Alongside this pursuit, we have the duty to establish His Kingdom on Earth.

The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

In this endeavor, you have been blessed to be born in the most exceptional country in human history. History is replete with empires, tyrants, and civilizations, but none have rivaled America. Our Founding Fathers dared to embark on an experiment in self-governance and individual freedom, recognizing it as a departure from the norm.

Nearly 250 years have passed, and our Republic endures. America persists, albeit on life support. We have abandoned God and our foundational principles, losing our way. Yet, we owe our existence to men and women, primarily men, who willingly fought for our freedom, sacrificing "their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor." Many of these valiant souls donned uniforms and carried rifles, from Lexington and Concord to Baghdad and Kabul. America's exceptionalism stems from its freedom, which is only possible because of these extraordinary men—fighting men.

The War on Warriors: Betrayal of America's Defenders

If you have read "The War on Warriors," you will have gained insights into your father's journey—from battling extremists to being labeled as one himself. It is a cautionary tale, undoubtedly. But would I trade my experiences? Absolutely not. After my devotion to God, wearing the uniform of the United States of America has been my greatest honor. Basketball, the Ivy League, and television pale in comparison to leading men in combat, united by a shared mission to serve our country. It was an education unmatched by any other.

However, we stand at a crossroads. The military I joined in 2001 has undergone a profound transformation. It has succumbed to the same leftist forces that have infiltrated other aspects of our society. Yet, unlike schools, churches, or states, we cannot simply replace the military we have with a more desirable alternative. We have one Pentagon, one military, one Army. If we relinquish these institutions, we risk losing America itself.

It is incumbent upon my generation—in government, media, and culture—to advocate for a change in military leadership. Reclaiming our armed forces will be an arduous undertaking. However, it falls upon your generation, despite formidable headwinds, to join the ranks from within and effect change. You must determine whether serving your country remains a worthy endeavor.

Is America still worth fighting for?

By the time you reach adulthood, we will have gained a clearer understanding of the answer to this question. I will be there to offer guidance and support. Despite the uncertainties, I hope you will consider joining the ranks of American fighting men. I urge you to serve, asking yourself, "If not me, then who? If not Gunner, Jackson, Boone, Luke, or Rex Hegseth, who will defend America?" Will you rely on others, with different worldviews, to fill the void? Can we afford to lose our military, even as it falls short of perfection? My answer is a resounding no.

If you choose to take the oath and bear the American flag on your shoulders, I want you to serve where it matters most, where critical decisions are made and where meritocracy still holds sway. Joining the most elite units, such as the SEALs, Rangers, Green Berets, or Marine Raiders, will provide you with the most exceptional training, enable you to make the greatest contributions to your country, and minimize your exposure to the "woke virus," which has yet to fully infiltrate these elite echelons.

If my sons are to raise their right hands and don the American flag, I want them to do so in places where they can make a meaningful impact. They will become warriors, forged in the fires of battle, with experiences that will shape their lives forever. You will join a brotherhood, an elite brotherhood, and I urge you to embrace this challenge with courage and determination.

However, if serving in uniform is not your calling, that is your choice. My charge to you then is to fight and lead at home, for our battles are fought on multiple fronts.

My love for you, boys, is immeasurable. My prayer is that your struggles, like mine, will ultimately ensure that your children and my grandchildren inherit an America that honors God, cherishes freedom, celebrates families, and thrives in peace.

In God We Trust,


My perspective may change in four years, when my eldest turns 18. Yet, I pray it does not. America's freedom has always been bought with the courage, sacrifice, and blood of young American men willing to step forward. We will always need them. The question is, will we have a country, and a military, worthy of their courage, sacrifice, and blood in the years to come? Only time will tell, but I am committed to defending our warriors—and our Republic—by any means necessary.