The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has equated Israel's democratically elected leaders with Hamas, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, by announcing arrest warrants for them all. This action is a grave injustice and an incentive for further terrorism.

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

The world has turned upside down since Hamas' barbaric attack on the state of Israel. The absurd and disgusting have become normal. College campuses across the U.S. are rampant with abhorrent antisemitic rhetoric and chants of "Death to America" while flags and banners from radical Islamist terror groups fly freely.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ), a United Nations-associated court, has issued an injunction to try to stop Israel from destroying Hamas' last four battalions in Rafah. Israel will and should ignore the ICJ's outrageous action.

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

Meanwhile, the International Criminal Court (ICC) has tried to equate Israel's democratically elected leaders with leaders of Hamas, a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, by announcing arrest warrants for them all. This action is a grave injustice. Israel is not a party to the ICC and has a long history as a functioning democracy with a robust, independent judiciary and military justice system.

Making matters worse, Ireland, Norway and Spain all officially recognized a Palestinian state, with no clear definition of borders and no indication of who they recognize as Palestinian leaders. This action is appalling and dangerous, and it leaves several questions unanswered. What are the boundaries of the Palestinian state these countries recognized? What is its governing model? Who is the president? Is there a prime minister? Is it a democracy? Is it their policy to destroy the state of Israel the same as Hamas'?

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

By unilaterally declaring a Palestinian state – without definition – these countries have thrown gasoline on the raging fire of antisemitism and made every problem in the Middle East worse.

Now, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran are emboldened. Bad actors in Russia, China and North Korea remain unchecked. And the radical ideology spreading across college campuses only continues.

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

If there is anything positive, it is that there was swift and strong bipartisan condemnation of the ICC's action against Israel – from the U.S. president and secretary of State, to my colleagues in the capitol.

It is now time for the United States Congress to go on record with sanctions against the ICC. If we don't, we're next. I will work with my Democrat and Republican colleagues to sanction the ICC and anyone who cooperates with them against Israel.

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel

Supporting Israel unequivocally is the United States' best interest. We will fight back.

It is time to stop the madness. Murderous, religiously fanatic terrorists are the problem, not Israel.

The World has Turned Upside Down: ICC's Outrageous Attack on Israel