Thiessen: Antisemitic Rhetoric from 'Squad' Members Emboldens Antisemitic Mobs

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen connects the profane rant by Rep. Jamaal Bowman against a pro-Israel group to the blocking of a Los Angeles synagogue by protesters, arguing that antisemitic rhetoric from members of the "Squad" is emboldening mobs.

Fox News contributor Marc Thiessen has strongly condemned the "antisemitic" rhetoric coming from members of the Democratic caucus, particularly the "Squad," and has drawn a connection between such rhetoric and the recent incidents of antisemitism.

Thiessen's comments came in response to Rep. Jamaal Bowman's expletive-laden rant against the American Israel Public Affairs Committee Political Action Committee (AIPAC), a pro-Israel advocacy group. Bowman's remarks, made during a rally alongside Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, were widely condemned as antisemitic.

Thiessen: Antisemitic Rhetoric from 'Squad' Members Emboldens Antisemitic Mobs

Thiessen: Antisemitic Rhetoric from 'Squad' Members Emboldens Antisemitic Mobs

Thiessen noted that the Democratic Party has not taken any action to discipline Bowman or other "Squad" members for their antisemitic statements. He contrasted this to the Republican Party's swift removal of Rep. Steve King from his committee assignments for making white supremacist remarks.

"When Representative Steve King, back in 2019, said, 'I don't understand what's the problem with white supremacy and white and all the rest of it,' he was kicked off of all of his committee by the Republicans in Congress," Thiessen said.

Thiessen: Antisemitic Rhetoric from 'Squad' Members Emboldens Antisemitic Mobs

Thiessen: Antisemitic Rhetoric from 'Squad' Members Emboldens Antisemitic Mobs

"Why haven't the Democratic leadership in Congress done the same to Jamaal Bowman for this? Why haven't they done that with Ilhan Omar? Why haven't they done that with the rest of the 'Squad'?"

Thiessen expressed surprise that the Democratic Party tolerates antisemitism within its ranks, even as it expresses concern about antisemitism elsewhere. He pointed to the recent incident in Los Angeles where an antisemitic mob surrounded a synagogue and beat Jews.

"There's a connection between these two things," Thiessen said. "When the Democratic Party allows antisemitism to fester in its own ranks, it emboldens antisemitic mobs to act upon their hatred."

Thiessen's comments underscore the growing concern about the rise of antisemitism in the United States and the role that inflammatory rhetoric from politicians may play in fueling such hatred.

Bowman has since apologized for his remarks, but Thiessen's criticism highlights the need for elected officials to be held accountable for their words and actions and for political parties to take a strong stand against hate speech.

The failure to do so, as Thiessen suggests, can have dangerous consequences for society.