Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

The Bethel Park School District, where alleged Trump assassin Thomas Crooks attended high school, has released a statement to address misconceptions and confirm Crooks' academic and disciplinary record.

The Bethel Park School District (BPSD) has updated its statement on Thomas Crooks, the alleged assassin of former President Trump, in an effort to quell "any common misconceptions." The district emphasized that Crooks was never a member of the school's rifle team and that there is no record of him trying out. The team's coach "does not recall meeting him," the statement reads.

BPSD acknowledges the possibility that Crooks may have informally attended a practice and taken a shot without leaving a formal record. However, the district denies any knowledge or record of such an occurrence.

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

The district's statement also addresses rumors of Crooks threatening violence against the school, specifically an incident from 2019. BPSD states that the incident was thoroughly investigated and addressed, and the student involved was disciplined. The district asserts that the incident had no connection to Thomas Crooks.

Regarding Crooks' academic and disciplinary record, BPSD reports that he "excelled academically, regularly attended school, and had no disciplinary incidents, including those related to bullying or threats." The district describes Crooks as a "quiet, bright young man who generally got along with his teachers and classmates."

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

BPSD also disputes claims that Crooks was bullied in high school due to his appearance. The district's records indicate that Crooks had no disciplinary incidents related to bullying.

School counselor Jim Knapp recalled seeing Crooks sitting alone during lunch and occasionally checking on him. Crooks would assure Knapp that he was content with being alone. Knapp expressed his belief that Crooks had experienced a sudden and inexplicable breakdown, succumbing to the influence of evil.

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Classmates of Crooks have described him as a "quiet" and "avid gamer" who enjoyed building computers. Following his graduation from Bethel Park High School in 2022, Crooks earned an associate's degree in engineering science from the Community College of Allegheny County and worked as a dietary aide at a local nursing and rehabilitation center.

The district concluded its statement by expressing that it would be irresponsible to speculate on Crooks' state of mind in the years since he last had contact with the school.

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Thomas Crooks: Former School District Attempts to Clear Misconceptions Amidst Shooting Investigation

Fox News' Rebecca Rosenberg and Reuters contributed to this report.