Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession

Arrested and detained since February, three American citizens face sentencing on charges of possessing ammunition in their luggage. Bryan Hagerich, Ryan Watson, and Sharitta Grier have pleaded not guilty, claiming the ammunition was inadvertently left behind from previous hunting trips.

Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession

Three American citizens detained in Turks and Caicos since February for having stray ammunition in their luggage are bunking together as they await their fate on the islands. Bryan Hagerich, Ryan Watson, and Sharitta Grier are among five Americans arrested and charged with possessing ammunition, a crime punishable by up to 12 years in Turks and Caicos.

Hagerich, a Pennsylvania dad of two and former pro baseball player, pleaded guilty to possessing ammunition and received a suspended 52-month sentence on Friday morning. He is expected to be released shortly.

Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession

Watson and Grier, along with Tyler Wenrich and Michael Lee Evans, have pleaded not guilty. All five Americans claim the ammunition was inadvertently left behind from previous hunting trips or purchased for personal protection.

The Americans have been living in the same condo as they await their respective fates on the island. "We're all a support system for one another. You know, it's a big family," Watson said.

Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession

Their cases have drawn attention from politicians in the United States. Democratic Pennsylvania Sen. Bob Casey called Hagerich's suspended sentence "great news" and said he is grateful for the leniency shown by the authorities in Turks and Caicos.

Republican Pennsylvania Rep. Guy Reschenthaler said he is "overjoyed" that Hagerich will be returning home but emphasized that the situation should not have happened in the first place. He is pushing the State Department to issue a no-travel order to TCI, which would prevent cruise ships from docking on the islands and also prevent people from purchasing traveler's insurance.

Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession

A bipartisan congressional delegation visited TCI on Monday to ask government leaders to release the Americans detained for having stray ammo in their bags. The TCI Governor's Office said it would not be appropriate to facilitate the delegation's request to meet with the Chief Justice due to the integrity of the legal process.

The governor and the premier also said "they cannot intervene nor comment on ongoing legal cases before the courts." They explained that the Turks and Caicos Islands have clear laws prohibiting the possession of firearms and/or ammunition and strict penalties are in place to serve and protect all who reside and visit the Turks and Caicos Islands.

Three Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition PossessionThree Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition PossessionThree Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition PossessionThree Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition PossessionThree Americans Detained in Turks and Caicos Await Sentencing for Ammunition Possession