Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Senator Tim Scott, a potential vice presidential pick for former President Trump, discusses the moment their relationship deepened amidst the controversy surrounding the 2017 Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville.

In an exclusive interview with "FOX & Friends," Republican Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina unveiled the transformative moment in his relationship with former President Donald Trump. The turning point, he revealed, stemmed from their discussion about Trump's handling of the Charlottesville rally in 2017.

"It was the Charlottesville incident that made our relationship what it is today," Scott explained. Following the rally, which witnessed violent clashes between white supremacists and counter-protesters, Scott was invited by Trump to the Oval Office.

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

During their meeting, Scott shared his perspectives on race relations in America. Trump listened attentively and, after their conversation, uttered words that would profoundly impact their relationship. "Help me help those I have offended," Trump said.

Inspired by this exchange, Scott and Trump developed the Opportunity Zones program, a tax incentive initiative aimed at spurring economic growth in distressed communities.

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Reflecting on that pivotal moment, Scott expressed gratitude for Trump's willingness to engage in dialogue amidst the turmoil of Charlottesville. "In one of the hardest moments in recent history, President Trump invited me in so we could find solutions together," he said.

The incident not only forged a closer bond between Scott and Trump but also highlighted the senator's unwavering commitment to finding solutions that address racial disparities.

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

"It's not going to happen. It's not around the corner. It's in the rearview mirror," Scott asserted, referring to racial discrimination. "We are living Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream."

In addition to discussing his relationship with Trump, Scott also shared details of his personal life, including his recent engagement to Mindy Noce. He praised Noce for her faith, patriotism, and supportive nature in his political endeavors.

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

As Trump prepares to announce his vice presidential pick, Scott is considered a potential contender alongside other Republican figures. The senator expressed a deep desire to fulfill his mission on behalf of the American people, regardless of the position he holds.

With Trump's long-anticipated vice presidential announcement expected as early as this week, political observers eagerly await the outcome of the vetting process. Scott's unique perspective on race relations, his policy expertise, and his close relationship with Trump have positioned him as a strong candidate for the coveted role.

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally

Tim Scott Reveals Turning Point in Relationship with Trump Over Charlottesville Rally