Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

Former Republican representative Richard Fowler reflects on his experiences with Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who was recently selected as Kamala Harris' running mate, and highlights his nonpartisan approach to leadership.

In these tumultuous times of political division, it is refreshing to see someone like Democratic vice presidential candidate Tim Walz emerge as a beacon of normalcy and pragmatism. As a former Republican representative who served alongside Tim in Congress, I am confident that his presence on the Harris ticket will resonate with voters who are yearning for a return to civility and common sense in our politics.

Tim and I found common ground despite our differing political affiliations, collaborating on numerous issues that benefited our constituents and the nation. Our shared experiences as soldiers in the U.S. Army forged a mutual respect that transcended party lines. We understood that our love of country and willingness to defend it outweighed any policy differences we might have.

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

During his tenure in Congress, Tim tirelessly championed veterans' rights, advocated for educational reforms, and addressed health care disparities. His unwavering commitment to policies that improved people's lives, regardless of their political affiliations, set him apart.

When I deployed to Afghanistan, Tim made a point of visiting me at my forward operating base in Kandahar. His presence was not for show or self-promotion but to demonstrate his understanding of what it meant to lead troops in a combat environment. He cared about the well-being of our soldiers and ensured we had the resources we needed.

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

More recently, we met at the observances marking the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. As soldiers, we shared a deep appreciation for the sacrifice made by those brave Americans who fought against extremism. Our shared values and experiences as Americans, husbands, fathers, and veterans unite us more than any partisan label.

Tim's ability to listen, collaborate, and find pragmatic solutions earned him respect from both Democrats and Republicans. His friendly smile, warm handshake, and affable style put everyone at ease, regardless of political affiliation. He recognizes that America's strength lies in our unity as fellow citizens, not in our divisions.

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

In an era marked by excessive self-promotion and toxic partisan rhetoric, America craves a leader who speaks with the voice of a friendly neighbor, understands the needs of our communities, and advocates for policies that benefit all Americans. Tim Walz embodies these qualities.

His selection as Kamala Harris' running mate is a testament to his dedication to public service and his ability to bridge partisan divides. As a veteran, a husband, a father, and a true American, Tim Walz will bring a much-needed sense of normalcy and pragmatism to the highest levels of our government.

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate

Tim Walz: A Normal Guy in an Abnormal Political Climate