Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz's political past paints a stark contrast to his moderate image, revealing a man who prioritized criminals over victims, infringed on personal freedoms during the pandemic, and supported radical gender policies.

Within hours of being announced as Kamala Harris' potential running mate, Tim Walz's political past came under scrutiny, exposing a stark contrast to the moderate image he projects today.

During the summer of 2020, as Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters looted and burned down Minneapolis, Walz delayed calling out the National Guard for three days, effectively allowing the chaos to escalate. His lackadaisical response belied his claim to be a decisive leader.

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Walz took a draconian approach to COVID-19, setting up a hotline for citizens to report on their neighbors for not wearing masks outdoors. He imposed strict gathering limits, mask mandates, and business closures, despite evidence suggesting that such measures had little impact on virus transmission.

Walz's decision to send elderly COVID-19 patients back into nursing homes, where they were more likely to succumb to the virus, has been widely criticized. By prioritizing the rights of criminals over their victims and abandoning vulnerable citizens, Walz demonstrated a callous disregard for human life.

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Walz supports legislation that allows minors to receive gender-transitioning treatments without parental consent, even against their parents' wishes. He has also signed a bill making Minnesota a sanctuary state for children who seek gender-affirming care in states where such treatments are banned.

Two fellow National Guardsmen have accused Walz of embellishing his military career and retiring from service before his battalion was deployed to Iraq in 2005. These allegations cast doubt on his claims of being a dedicated military veteran.

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Walz's left-wing credentials are undeniable. He supports social justice, sanctuary cities, and protest movements. However, as he approaches the election, he has suddenly abandoned these positions and embraced the mantle of moderation.

The left's sudden embrace of Walz as a moderate candidate reflects their desperation to win back moderate voters. They recognize that their radical agenda is unpopular and are attempting to portray Walz as a safe choice.

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer

Tim Walz's political past reveals a man who is willing to sacrifice the well-being of his constituents to advance his political goals. His inaction during the Minneapolis riots, his draconian COVID-19 policies, and his support for radical gender policies paint a disturbing picture of a governor who is out of touch with the needs of his state.

Tim Walz: The Man Who Let Rioters Burn His State While Playing COVID Enforcer