**TITLE:** Taylor Swift Concerts Canceled Amidst Alleged Terror Plot

**SAPO:** Authorities in Austria have canceled Taylor Swift concerts after a 19-year-old suspect was arrested for allegedly plotting an attack at the venue. The suspect, identified as Beran A., had become more withdrawn and radicalized in recent weeks, according to neighbors who noticed a change in his behavior.



Taylor Swift concerts in Austria have been canceled after authorities uncovered an alleged terrorist plot targeting the events.

The 19-year-old main suspect, identified as Beran A., was arrested on Wednesday morning before his home was raided by police. According to Reuters, neighbors reported that the suspect's parents were not present at the time of the operation, and locals were evacuated from their homes under the guise of a gas leak.



Beran A. is believed to have pledged allegiance to ISIS and held radical views. "He wanted to carry out an attack in the area outside the stadium, killing as many people as possible using the knives or even using the explosive devices he had made," said Omar Haijawi-Pirchner, the head of the Directorate of State Security and Intelligence.

Neighbors have described a noticeable change in Beran A.'s behavior in the lead-up to his arrest. "Only recently did he become a bit unusual," said Nicole Morgenbesser, who lives nearby. "He used to always say hello or wave, but that stopped a few weeks ago."



Ternitz Mayor Christian Samwald expressed shock and concern over the incident. "You always hear about these sorts of things, but it's something else when this happens on your own front door."

The arrest and subsequent concert cancellations have raised concerns about the threat of terrorism and the need for vigilance. "The lesson is it's difficult to prevent someone from being radicalized on the Internet," Samwald added.



Meanwhile, the investigation into the alleged plot continues, with authorities detaining two additional suspects: an 18-year-old Iraqi and a 24-year-old Turkish man. The three suspects are believed to have traveled to Austria from Germany.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.