
**Title**: Kamala Harris' "Joyful Warrior" Approach: A Hollow Substitute for Substance

**Sapo**: Vice President Kamala Harris' acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention struck a celebratory tone, but critics argue that it lacked concrete policy proposals and focused excessively on personal attacks, raising concerns about the substance of her campaign.




In a bid to shift the narrative away from the "Threat to Democracy" rhetoric that has dominated Democratic discourse since former President Donald Trump's assassination attempt, Vice President Kamala Harris adopted a "Joyful Warriors" approach in her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention. However, critics argue that this focus on cheerfulness has come at the expense of substance, leaving voters skeptical about the actual policies Harris would implement if elected president.



Harris' speech was heavy on platitudes and short on specifics, echoing the current state of television news, which often avoids policy discussions in favor of superficial and sensationalized content. This aversion to policy substance is a convenient match for the Harris campaign, which appears eager to avoid scrutiny of President Biden's performance.

Despite Harris's insistence that her campaign would be focused on policy, her speeches have been peppered with personal attacks on Trump, a tactic she has criticized her opponents for using. This hypocrisy has raised questions about Harris's sincerity in her commitment to civil discourse.



The leftist media has largely embraced Harris's "Joyful Warriors" approach, framing attacks on her as racist and sexist. They have hailed her speeches as "bizarrely spun as 'joyful' warmaking," while condemning Trump's criticisms as "ugly, misogynistic, racist lies."

This positive media coverage stands in stark contrast to the overwhelmingly negative portrayal of Trump, even in the wake of his near-assassination. A recent Media Research Center study found that ABC, CBS, and NBC evening newscasts gave Harris 84% positive coverage, while Trump's coverage remained 89% negative.



The public should be cynical about this "joyful warrior" coverage, which is essentially positive advertising disguised as news. News outlets should prioritize issue-oriented reporting and hold candidates accountable for their policy proposals, rather than focusing on personal insults and emotional appeals.

Treating voters like serious citizens who are capable of understanding complex issues is essential for restoring public trust in the political process. The "News Lite" approach that emphasizes personal insults only deepens cynicism and undermines the credibility of our democracy.



Instead of shrinking space for news networks in favor of "influencers," Democratic convention organizers should encourage journalists to report on the substance of the candidates' campaigns and press them for concrete policy proposals. Only through a rigorous examination of the issues that face our nation can we make informed decisions about our future.

In conclusion, while Kamala Harris' "Joyful Warriors" approach may have created a celebratory atmosphere at the Democratic National Convention, it has failed to provide voters with a clear understanding of her policy platform. Critics argue that this emphasis on cheerfulness and avoidance of substance is a hollow substitute for real governance and that voters deserve better than a campaign based on personal attacks and superficiality.