
## Title

Minnesota Businesses Struggling Under Gov. Tim Walz's Policies



### Sapo

Businesses in Minnesota are facing a myriad of challenges due to the progressive policies implemented by Governor Tim Walz, including a surge in criminal activity, high corporate taxes, and burdensome regulations.



### Article

In the aftermath of the George Floyd protests and riots, Minneapolis businesses were devastated. Looters ransacked stores, destroying property and stealing merchandise. Thurston Jewelers, for instance, was forced to close for several months while it repaired the damage.



Despite the store's reopening, customers have remained scarce. The rise in homelessness and open-air drug use in the city has created an unsafe environment that has deterred suburban customers from visiting downtown. As a result, Drilling's business has suffered significantly.

The rise in criminal activity is another major concern for downtown Minneapolis businesses. Rich Girl's Cosmetics has been repeatedly vandalized, with its front door being broken multiple times. The constant need for repairs has become a financial burden for the store's owner, Koby Rich.



According to Jim Schultz of the Minnesota Private Business Council, there is a direct correlation between the increase in crime and Governor Walz's leadership. Schultz attributes the surge in violent crime to "reckless policies" on policing and crime implemented by Democratic leaders in the state.

Beyond crime, Minnesota's business climate has also come under fire. The state has the highest statutory corporate tax rate in the United States at 9.8%. Doug Loon of the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce believes that Governor Walz has prioritized other policies over job creation, leading to a missed opportunity for economic growth.

As a result, Minnesota now ranks 47th out of all states for job creation and 46th for Gross Domestic Product.

Adding to the challenges faced by businesses are the burdensome regulations imposed by the state. Kent Bergman, owner of the Campanelle restaurant, has struggled to turn a profit due to the combined impact of COVID-19 lockdowns, taxes, and regulations.

Bergman believes that the state's policies are making it extremely difficult for small businesses like his to survive.

The challenges faced by Minnesota businesses under Governor Walz's leadership are having a devastating impact on the state's economy. From the surge in crime to the high tax burden and burdensome regulations, businesses are struggling to stay afloat. If these issues are not addressed, the future of Minnesota's economy is uncertain.