
**Title**: The Perils of the Sea: Sig Hansen on the Challenges of "Deadliest Catch"

**Sapo**: Sig Hansen, captain of the "Deadliest Catch" fishing vessel Northwestern, shares his thoughts on the biggest challenges he faces while at sea, including keeping his crew alive and motivated.




In the perilous waters of the Bering Sea, the men of "Deadliest Catch" brave harrowing conditions in pursuit of Alaskan king crab. Sig Hansen, captain of the Northwestern, has witnessed firsthand the dangers that lurk beneath the waves. In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Hansen reveals the biggest challenges he faces while at sea, including the constant threat to his crew's lives and the need to keep them motivated in the face of adversity.



"The biggest challenge is keeping my men alive," Hansen says solemnly. "We're out there in the middle of the ocean, miles from any help. If something goes wrong, it can go wrong quickly."

Hansen is well aware of the risks involved in his profession. In 2008, his son-in-law, Edgar Hansen, was lost at sea during a fishing expedition. The tragedy serves as a constant reminder of the fragility of life and the importance of safety.



Another challenge Hansen faces is keeping his crew motivated during the long and arduous fishing seasons. "It's tough being away from home for months on end," he says. "You're tired, you're wet, and you're cold. But we have to keep each other going."

Hansen credits his crew with the success of the Northwestern. "These guys are the best in the business," he says. "They're tough, they're resilient, and they're always there for each other."

Despite the challenges, Hansen wouldn't trade his life for anything. "I love being on the water," he says. "There's no place I'd rather be."

In addition to the physical dangers, Hansen also faces challenges in managing the business side of the operation. "The fishing industry is tough," he says. "Quotas are getting smaller, and the price of crab is going down."

Hansen has had to adapt to the changing market conditions to stay afloat. In recent years, he has expanded his operations to include crab processing and other ventures.

Despite the challenges, Hansen remains optimistic about the future of the Northwestern. "We're going to keep fishing as long as we can," he says. "We're a family, and we're not going to let anything stop us."

Hansen's story is one of courage, determination, and resilience. He is a true leader who has overcome countless challenges to become one of the most successful captains in the fishing industry. His story is an inspiration to us all, reminding us that anything is possible if we have the will to persevere.