
## Title

Mediterranean Shipwrecks Leave Dozens Missing and Dead, Rescuers Battle to Save Lives



## Sapo

In two separate tragedies off the coasts of Italy, dozens of migrants have gone missing at sea, while rescue workers have recovered the bodies of at least 10 suspected migrants. The incidents highlight the ongoing human toll of the perilous journeys undertaken by those seeking refuge and better opportunities.



## Article

### Mediterranean Shipwreck Tragedy: Dozens Missing, 11 Rescued

A harrowing shipwreck in the Mediterranean Sea has left 64 people missing, with only 11 survivors being rescued and brought ashore to a Calabrian town. According to United Nations agencies, the boat carrying migrants from Turkey caught fire and overturned approximately 125 miles off Calabria.

The Italian Coast Guard initiated a search-and-rescue operation after receiving a Mayday call from a French boat. Border areas where Greece and Italy conduct search-and-rescue operations witnessed the incident. Authorities stated that survivors and those still missing at sea hailed from Iran, Syria, and Iraq.

Immediate action by the Italian Maritime Rescue Coordination Center involved diverting two nearby merchant vessels to the rescue site. Support from the European Border and Coast Guard Agency Frontex was also crucial.

The rescued migrants were transported to the Calabrian port of Roccella Jonica, where they received medical attention and care. However, tragedy struck when one of the migrants passed away shortly after being brought ashore.

### Lampedusa Shipwreck: Rescuers Find Bodies Trapped Below Deck

In a separate incident, rescue workers aboard the German aid group Resqship's boat, the Nadir, discovered a horrific scene. Responding to a distress call, the crew encountered a wooden boat filled with water, its occupants trapped below the deck.

Resqship's team managed to evacuate 51 people, including two who were unconscious. A harrowing discovery awaited when they searched the flooded lower deck of the boat: the bodies of 10 suspected migrants. The crew expressed their condolences for the victims and the ongoing human suffering that characterizes the Mediterranean migrant crisis.

### Survivors Provide Sobering Accounts

Survivors from the first shipwreck provided chilling accounts of their ordeal. They recounted that the boat carrying them caught fire in the early hours of Monday morning. Panic ensued as the flames spread rapidly, forcing them to jump overboard to escape the inferno.

Forced to cling to life in the cold, dark waters, the migrants held onto the hope of being rescued. Their prayers were answered when rescuers arrived on the scene and pulled them from the unforgiving sea.

The survivors expressed their gratitude to those who had saved their lives, but their emotions were also tinged with sorrow as they mourned the companions they had lost along the way.

### Unceasing Migrant Crisis Takes Its Toll

These tragic shipwrecks serve as a stark reminder of the ongoing human crisis unfolding in the Mediterranean Sea. Desperate individuals seeking refuge and better opportunities undertake perilous journeys, risking their lives in overcrowded and unseaworthy vessels.

Rescuers work tirelessly to save lives and prevent further tragedies, but the challenge is immense. Cooperation and compassion are essential to address the root causes that drive people to flee their homelands and embark on these dangerous voyages.

As the crisis continues to unfold, the world must not turn a blind eye to the suffering and loss of life that has become commonplace. Urgent action is needed to prevent further needless deaths and provide safe and legal pathways for those seeking a better future.