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## Sapo



MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace called on more leaders in Washington to participate in "acts of sacrifice" for the sake of democracy, including former Trump officials and anti-Trump Republicans. She specifically named Jim Mattis, Mark Milley, General Kelly, Sue Gordon, Gina Haspel, Liz Cheney, and Chris Christie.

## Article



MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace called on more leaders in Washington to participate in "acts of sacrifice" for the sake of democracy on Sunday night following the announcement that President Biden would end his bid for re-election.

Wallace proceeded to call on former Trump officials, ex-allies of the former president, and anti-Trump Republicans to back Democrats.



"An act of political sacrifice like this must be contagious and people like Jim Mattis, Mark Milley, General Kelly who don't want to sacrifice not being political, it's time to change those calculations," she said. "People like Sue Gordon and Gina Haspel who don't want to sacrifice their legacies with the intelligence agencies, it's time to make a different decision."

Wallace added that "an act of political sacrifice beget more political sacrifice." She mentioned Liz Cheney and Chris Christie, saying they should reach out to the White House if they mean what they say about democracy and the rule of law.

Wallace also stated that "an act of sacrifice like what Joe Biden did today should put in motion many more high-profile acts of sacrifice."

On Sunday, Biden said he believes it is in the "best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term," adding, "I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about by decision," in a letter announcing his decision.

After President Biden announced he would be dropping out of the race, he followed up with a message that said he would be endorsing his running mate, Vice President Kamala Harris, to be the Democratic Party presidential nominee.

Many Democrats, left-leaning political pundits, and commentators were quick to applaud Biden's presidency and his decision to drop out of the race as a patriotic, selfless decision for the sake of American democracy.

Wallace's call for political sacrifice comes at a time when the country is deeply divided politically. She argued that it is more important than ever for people to put their country above their party or personal ambitions.

"I think there are a lot of people in Washington who are afraid to make sacrifices," Wallace said. "They're afraid of losing their power, their prestige, or their reputation. But if we want to save our democracy, we need more people to be willing to step up and make sacrifices."

Wallace's comments were met with mixed reactions on social media. Some people praised her for speaking out about the need for political sacrifice. Others accused her of being partisan and trying to undermine the Republican Party.

Regardless of the reaction, Wallace's comments sparked a much-needed conversation about the importance of political sacrifice in a democracy. It remains to be seen whether her call will be answered by people in Washington.