Tom Cruise's Pranksters: Glen Powell Recounts Their Adventures

From near-death helicopter rides to six-hour "film school" marathons, Glen Powell, rising star of "Top Gun: Maverick," shares the hilarious pranks and unexpected lessons he experienced with his mentor and co-star, Tom Cruise.

Tom Cruise's Pranksters: Glen Powell Recounts Their Adventures

As Glen Powell's star continues to rise in Hollywood, he attributes much of his success to his unwavering bond with the legendary Tom Cruise. However, their friendship has also been a source of some unforgettable and occasionally terrifying pranks.

Tom Cruise's Pranksters: Glen Powell Recounts Their Adventures

In a candid interview with GQ, Powell recounted a particularly heart-stopping incident that occurred during a helicopter ride back to London after filming "Top Gun: Maverick" reshoots. While soaring over the city, Cruise suddenly exclaimed, "Oh no, oh no," and began plunging the helicopter. Powell feared for his life, thinking, "Am I about to be the unnamed guy that dies with Tom in a smoking hole in the middle of London?"

Fortunately, Cruise safely landed the helicopter, but the prank left an unforgettable mark on Powell.

Tom Cruise's Pranksters: Glen Powell Recounts Their Adventures

Another unforgettable experience orchestrated by Cruise involved Powell being sent to a theater in Los Angeles to watch a "film school" movie that Cruise had put together for his friends. Powell eagerly anticipated a packed theater, but to his surprise, he was the sole audience member for six hours.

During the marathon viewing, Cruise discussed every aspect of filmmaking, from cameras to flight dynamics. Powell realized that Cruise had no intention of sharing the film with the public, saying, "This is just for my friends."

Undeterred by the unexpected turn of events, Powell embraced the opportunity to learn from the master filmmaker. "The one thing I feel we're kindred spirits in is he's obsessed with movies," Powell said. "That was our love language on set."

The pranks were not merely playful diversions but also opportunities for Powell's professional growth. Cruise encouraged him to "lean into" the unlikable aspects of his character in "Top Gun: Maverick," advising him, "For the ending to work, you have to completely lean into that. Everybody else in the movie is questioning their own ability. You're the only guy that's not questioning it."

Powell also spoke about the impact "Top Gun: Maverick" had on his career. Despite his success in the film, he had not amassed significant wealth until its release. "I'd never made any significant amount of money on a movie, including 'Top Gun,'" Powell told The Hollywood Reporter. "But Tom was already Tom; I was waiting for my life to change."

Powell credits his friendship with Cruise as a major catalyst for his career advancement. "I got to watch a guy who knew every department. He was able to clearly interface with everyone, be so friendly and respectful, and be able to communicate that vision."

Powell's experiences with Tom Cruise have not only provided him with priceless memories but have also shaped his approach to acting and filmmaking. The pranks, the "film school" marathons, and Cruise's unwavering mentorship have all contributed to Powell's growth as an artist and a professional.