Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

An arrest has been made in connection with a devastating fire that destroyed a historic church in Athens, Tennessee. Police believe the suspect murdered a woman inside before setting the blaze.

Surveillance footage from the area near St. Mark AME Zion Church captured Kyle Jay Hickox loitering several times before and after the church was burned to the ground on August 15th. The footage shows Hickox running across the property of the YMCA and onto the campus of Tennessee Wesleyan University.

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Hickox entered a maintenance building at the university, where he encountered a worker who ordered him to leave. Hickox responded with an enigmatic statement: "I would get God's water." This peculiar remark has raised questions about his state of mind at the time.

Tragically, the victim found dead in the church, 65-year-old Linda Buchanan, did not die from the fire itself. Police determined that she was murdered before the blaze was ignited.

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Hickox was apprehended on Friday and charged with second-degree murder. Additional charges are pending as the investigation continues.

Surveillance footage captured Hickox running through the YMCA property towards the college's soccer field after leaving the maintenance building. He was seen removing his shirt and using a hose to douse himself, potentially attempting to destroy evidence.

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Police executed a search warrant on Hickox's Athens residence and recovered clothing that they believe he was wearing when the church was set on fire. This clothing is being analyzed as evidence in the case.

According to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation's Crime Lab, blood found on Hickox's left shoe matched the blood of victim Linda Buchanan. This crucial evidence strengthens the case against the suspect.

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Tragic Fire and Murder in Athens Church: Suspect in Custody

Despite the incriminating evidence, Hickox was released from the McMinn County Jail. However, the investigation remains ongoing, and the additional charges pending against him could lead to his rearrest.

The motive behind the murder and church burning remains unclear. Police are investigating Hickox's mental state at the time of the incident, as his peculiar behavior and statements have raised questions about his sanity. The community of Athens is both heartbroken and outraged over the tragedy, and they are seeking justice for the victim and the preservation of their historic church.