Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

A 17-year-old Chinese badminton player has died after collapsing on the court during an international tournament in Indonesia.

A 17-year-old Chinese badminton player has died after collapsing on the court during an international tournament in Indonesia.

Zhang Zhijie was facing Kazuma Kawan of Japan in Indonesia when he fell forward onto the court. Video shows Zhijie appearing to seize on the floor, and then it seemed as if he was trying to stand up, but medical staff tended to him.

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

Zhijie died at a hospital later on. Badminton Asia said Zhijie was taken to an ambulance less than two minutes after he collapsed.

"Badminton Asia, PBSI (Badminton Association of Indonesia) and the organising committee are immensely saddened and expressed their deepest condolences to Zhang's parents, family, and Chinese Badminton Association (CBA)," Badminton Asia said in a statement. "The world of badminton has lost a talented player."

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

"The conclusion of the examination and treatment of the victim at both hospitals showed the same results, namely that the victim experienced sudden cardiac arrest," Broto Happy, spokesperson of Badminton Association of Indonesia, told reporters at a news conference.

Badminton players and officials in Yogyakarta paid tribute to Zhang by holding a minute of silence on the court Monday morning before the quarterfinals.

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

Tragic Loss: Chinese Badminton Player Dies After Collapsing On Court

Staff members have been criticized on social media for seemingly a lack of urgency, but the Chinese association said its team's leader, coach, doctor, translator and the tournament medical staff acted quickly after Zhang appeared to faint on the court.

"We feel deeply distressed over the unfortunate death of Zhang Zhijie from a sudden illness while competing in an international competition," the statement said. "We express our sincere gratitude to all sectors of the society for the concern and help given to Zhang Zhijie. We will do our best to provide help to Zhang Zhijie’s family."

The 17-year-old Chinese badminton player died after collapsing on court during an international tournament in Indonesia, officials said on July 1, mourning him as "outstanding" and "talented."