Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Two undocumented immigrants have been arrested and charged in the heinous murder of Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old Houston girl. Shocking details emerge as prosecutors reveal a brutal sexual assault and a desperate struggle by the victim.

The community of Houston is reeling in shock and sorrow following the gruesome murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, who was found strangled to death under a bridge last week. Prosecutors have revealed chilling details about the crime, alleging that the young girl was brutally sexually assaulted before being killed.

Two undocumented immigrants, Johan Jose Rangel Martinez, 21, and Franklin Jose Pena Ramos, 26, have been arrested and charged with capital murder in connection with Nungaray's death. Investigators believe they lured the girl under the bridge where they committed the heinous crime.

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Prosecutors presented disturbing evidence in court, stating that Nungaray's hands and feet were bound, her body was nude from the waist down, and she had marks on her neck and scrapes on her backside consistent with being dragged. Medical examinations further indicated the likelihood of sexual assault.

Harris County prosecutor Megan Long expressed the deep emotional impact of the case, saying, "It's especially difficult when it's a loss of a 12-year-old child who had their whole life ahead of them."

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

According to authorities, Ramos claimed to have tried to stop Martinez from attacking Nungaray, but he allegedly refused and strangled her. Martinez, on the other hand, allegedly confessed to tying Nungaray's legs and instructing Pena to dispose of her body in a bayou.

To prevent the suspects from fleeing or being deported, Harris County District Court Judge Josh Hill set a high bail amount of $10 million for both Martinez and Ramos. Both men are charged with capital murder.

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

The murder has shaken the community and sparked outrage, with Nungaray's family demanding justice. Harris County Judge Lina Hildago, who often comments on political matters, stated that the crime was not indicative of immigration status.

However, Melfri Vargas, Alexis Nungaray's stepmother, expressed anger towards Martinez, saying, "I hope they kill your children." The incident has highlighted the ongoing divide in the United States over immigration policy.

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Tragic Loss: Migrant Suspects Face Charges in Horrific Murder of 12-Year-Old Texas Girl

Nungaray's murder is one in a series of recent crimes involving undocumented immigrants in the Houston area. One of the suspects, Ramos, was allegedly wearing an ICE ankle monitor at the time of the killing.

Judge Hill emphasized the need to ensure that criminal charges against undocumented immigrants are not dismissed due to deportation. "It puts us in the position where those charges would never be answered," he said.

Nungaray's family and the community are seeking justice for the young girl's senseless murder. They are calling for accountability from those responsible and support for victims of violent crime. The tragic loss of Jocelyn Nungaray has left an indelible mark on Houston and serves as a reminder of the urgent need to address violence against children and ensure the safety of all members of society.