Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

A transgender woman in Utah, Mia Bailey, has been charged with 11 felony counts related to the double homicide of her parents and the attempted murder of her brother. Bailey allegedly broke into her parents' home and shot them multiple times, telling police she "would do it again" after her capture.

"Armed and dangerous" transgender woman Mia Bailey, 28, is accused of gunning down her parents in their Utah home on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Police launched an hours-long manhunt after Bailey fled the scene, but she was apprehended on Wednesday and charged with 11 felony counts related to the double homicide.

According to the Washington City Police Department, Bailey broke into her parents' home around 7 p.m. on Tuesday and shot her father, Joseph, 70, in the head and her mother, Gail, 69, three times. She then went downstairs to find her brother and his wife locked in his bedroom and shot through the door before fleeing the scene. Both Bailey's brother and his wife survived the attack.

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

Police say that Bailey later told them that she did not care whether the shot killed her brother. After checking that her parents were dead, Bailey fled the home in her yellow Kia Soul. Police cornered Bailey about seven miles away in the St. George neighborhood the next day. KSL footage captured the suspected killer peacefully surrendering to a dozen armed officers.

According to police, Bailey dropped her firearm willingly before she was handcuffed. Officers had initially tracked Bailey down on Tuesday, but she pulled out a gun from her waistband, put it to her head, and backed out of sight before she could be detained.

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

Bailey later told police that she "did not have remorse for her actions and that she would not change what she had done." According to an affidavit, Bailey stated, "I would do it again. I hate them."

Bailey filed a petition to change her name and gender legally in July 2023. Her request was granted in August 2023, with the court writing that "there is clear and convincing evidence that [Bailey] has transitioned to the sex sought in the petition and a uniform manner for at least six months."

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah

The motive for the killings is still under investigation. Bailey is scheduled to appear in court for a preliminary hearing on June 26, 2023.

Transgender Woman Accused of Murdering Parents in Utah