Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Vice President Harris has avoided media scrutiny for nearly three weeks since President Biden suspended his re-election campaign, a strategy that may benefit her like it did for Biden in 2020.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, has not taken questions from reporters in nearly three weeks since President Biden suspended his re-election campaign. This move has raised eyebrows and drawn comparisons to Biden's own media strategy in 2020, which some believe may work to her advantage.

"She is running a similar play to Biden in 2020 where, of course, he used COVID as an excuse to stay in his basement the entire election," Cody Sargent, spokesperson for Heritage Action for America, told Fox News Digital.

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Critics argue that Harris is avoiding the media to minimize potential scrutiny and to distract voters with flashy events and campaign gimmicks.

"Harris is running a Trojan horse campaign," Sargent continued. "She's distracting people with Megan Thee Stallion and rolling out a vice president commercials that don't really say anything, distracting them with this big shiny object and Trojan horse. But, then inside that horse is socialism, the most radical candidate to ever appear at the top of her presidential ticket, and she's avoiding doing any media, any real interviews, any sit down."

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Harris faced criticism last week for spending less than two minutes taking questions from reporters, despite not having done so for 18 days.

Some analysts believe that Harris's media silence could be a shrewd strategy, similar to Biden's in 2020. By avoiding direct engagement with the press, she may be able to control her message and avoid gaffes or controversies that could damage her campaign.

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

However, others argue that Harris's lack of media availability is a disservice to voters and undermines the transparency and accountability that are essential for a presidential candidate.

"Hiding from the media is not transparency," said Michael Thiessen, writer for the American Enterprise Institute. "It's a sign that a candidate is afraid to answer questions or defend their positions."

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

Trojan Horse: Kamala Harris's Media Silence Could Pay Off

The effectiveness of Harris's media strategy remains to be seen, but it is clear that she is taking a different approach than her opponents. It is possible that her silence will help her avoid potential pitfalls, or it could backfire by raising questions about her transparency and accountability.