Trump and Kennedy Court Libertarian Voters with Promises of Clemency and Crypto Support

Former President Trump and independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. addressed the Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C. Trump pledged to commute the prison sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht, while Kennedy highlighted environmental concerns.

Trump and Kennedy Court Libertarian Voters with Promises of Clemency and Crypto Support

Former President Donald Trump made a bold promise to Libertarian National Convention attendees in Washington, D.C., on Saturday: commute the prison sentence of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the online drug-selling site Silk Road. The move was met with thunderous applause from the crowd, many of whom held signs demanding Ulbricht's release.

"If you vote for me, on day one I will commute the sentence of Ross Ulbricht, to a sentence of time served," Trump declared. "He's already served 11 years. We're going to get him home."

Trump and Kennedy Court Libertarian Voters with Promises of Clemency and Crypto Support

Ulbricht's case has drawn significant attention from libertarian circles, who view him as a victim of overzealous prosecution and excessive sentencing. Despite facing multiple charges related to his involvement with Silk Road, including six deaths resulting from drugs purchased on the website, Ulbricht was ultimately sentenced to life in prison in 2015.

During his presidency, Trump reportedly considered intervening in Ulbricht's case but ultimately refrained from granting him a pardon. However, his pledge at the Libertarian Convention signals a shift in his stance and a direct appeal to potential libertarian voters.

Trump and Kennedy Court Libertarian Voters with Promises of Clemency and Crypto Support

Beyond the Ulbricht pledge, Trump also addressed concerns among libertarians about the government's approach to cryptocurrencies. He expressed support for their self-custody, promising to block Senator Elizabeth Warren's "crusade to crush crypto."

"I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin will be made in the USA, not driven overseas," Trump asserted. "I will never allow the creation of a central bank digital currency."

Trump's appearance at the Libertarian Convention is part of his ongoing strategy to reach potential supporters beyond the Republican base. By embracing libertarian ideals on issues like prison reform and cryptocurrency regulation, he aims to appeal to a broader range of voters in the upcoming presidential election.

Prior to Trump's speech, independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. also addressed the Libertarian National Convention. Kennedy focused on environmental issues, highlighting the threats posed by climate change and pollution.

"We are at a critical juncture in our history," Kennedy asserted. "The climate crisis is upon us, and we need to act now to protect our planet for future generations."

Kennedy urged Libertarians to take action, both at the individual level and through political engagement. He emphasized the importance of supporting clean energy initiatives, reducing waste, and advocating for environmental regulations that protect public health and natural ecosystems.

"Libertarians must play a leading role in the fight to protect our environment," Kennedy declared. "We must demand clean air, clean water, and a healthy planet for all."

Kennedy's message resonated with many in the Libertarian Party, who share his concerns about environmental degradation. His emphasis on individual responsibility and decentralized decision-making aligned with the party's core principles.

The Libertarian National Convention provided a platform for both Trump and Kennedy to engage with potential voters and articulate their respective visions for the future. As the presidential election draws closer, it remains to be seen whether their efforts to win over libertarian support will bear fruit.