Trump Boasts of America's "Liquid Gold" and Pledges Energy Dominance

Former President Donald Trump outlined his energy policy during an interview with Fox News, vowing to lower energy prices by unleashing domestic production and emphasizing the nation's vast energy resources, which he likened to "liquid gold."

Former President Donald Trump has unveiled his energy policy, promising to make America energy-dominant on the world stage. In an interview with Fox News anchor Maria Bartiromo on "Sunday Morning Futures," Trump asserted that the United States possesses more energy resources than Saudi Arabia, Russia, or any other country.

Trump Boasts of America's

Trump Boasts of America's "Liquid Gold" and Pledges Energy Dominance

"We have more energy — we have more liquid gold, as I call it, under our feet than Saudi Arabia, than Russia, than anybody," Trump declared. "We're going to be energy-dominant, we're going to make a fortune, we're going to supply it all over Europe, all over the world. We're going to be double and triple what they're doing. We're going to have tremendous energy, and we're going to lower our prices of energy."

Trump believes that reducing energy prices is crucial to addressing other economic challenges, such as inflation. He criticized the Biden administration's approach to energy policy, arguing that it has led to higher energy prices and hindered economic growth.

Trump Boasts of America's

Trump Boasts of America's "Liquid Gold" and Pledges Energy Dominance

"We're going to get energy way down. Drill, baby, drill," Trump said. "We're going to base it very strongly in energy."

Trump highlighted the abundance of natural resources in the United States, particularly in New England, where high energy prices are prevalent due to the lack of pipelines.

Trump Boasts of America's

Trump Boasts of America's "Liquid Gold" and Pledges Energy Dominance

"Do you know people in New England — they pay some of the highest prices in the world because we don't have a pipeline, because New York won't let a pipeline go through a very poor section of New York," he added.

The former president also outlined a plan to revitalize the domestic auto industry and protect American jobs. He pledged to impose tariffs on imported vehicles from Mexico and China, countries he believes have taken advantage of the US market.

"By the way, when you add it all up, including the taxes and everything else, we're going to create jobs like you've never created before," Trump stated.

Trump expressed confidence that his policies would lead to a resurgence in auto manufacturing in the United States. He vowed that within the first two weeks of his presidency, he would implement measures to bring back auto jobs through tariffs.

"We're going to have more auto jobs than we've ever had, we're bringing back the automobile industry, and we're going to do that with tariffs," he said. "We're going to do that by saying we're not going to accept."

Trump's energy and economic policies will likely be a central focus of his 2024 presidential campaign, as he seeks to contrast his approach with that of the Biden administration.