Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

A member of former President Donald Trump's campaign team allegedly pushed aside a cemetery staff member during a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery honoring 13 US service members killed in the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal. The Army confirmed the incident and stated that the staff member, who attempted to enforce cemetery rules prohibiting political activities, will not press charges.

A member of former President Donald Trump's campaign team is facing accusations of pushing aside a cemetery staff member during a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on the third anniversary of the Abbey Gate bombing in Afghanistan.

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

The US Army confirmed the incident, stating in a statement that a staff member was "abruptly pushed aside" during the ceremony. The Army confirmed that the incident was reported to the JBM-HH police department, but the employee decided not to press charges, and the matter is now considered closed.

The incident occurred as Trump participated in the ceremony honoring the 13 US soldiers who were killed in the attack on the Kabul airport during the US withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

The Army emphasized that Arlington National Cemetery has a long-standing federal ban on the use of its property by any political campaigns and that cemetery staff had warned that campaign staff could not use the event to take photographs or video.

Trump campaign spokesman Steven Cheung argued that the staffer who blocked the campaign photographers appeared to be having a "mental health episode" and specified that the campaign was granted approval to bring a photographer.

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

Trump attended the event at the invitation of relatives of the fallen soldiers, who thanked him for his attendance and expressed their gratitude for his unwavering support during their time of grief.

The incident has sparked controversy, with some criticizing the Trump campaign for allegedly disrespecting the solemnity of the event and violating cemetery rules. Others have defended the campaign, arguing that the staffer's actions were justified due to the perceived bias of the cemetery employee.

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

Trump Campaign Staffer Accused of Pushing Aside Cemetery Employee at Arlington Ceremony

The Army has stated that it will continue to ensure that public ceremonies at Arlington National Cemetery are conducted with the dignity and respect that the nation's fallen deserve.

The incident highlights the importance of respecting the rules and regulations of cemeteries and the need for political campaigns to conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner at memorial events.

It remains to be seen whether the incident will have any further repercussions for Trump's campaign or for the individuals involved. The Army has stated that it will continue to investigate the matter and take appropriate action if necessary.