Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Former President Donald Trump has challenged President Joe Biden to an 18-hole golf match, proposing to donate $1 million to a charity of Biden's choice if he wins. Biden's campaign declined the invitation, citing a lack of time.

Former President Donald Trump has issued a golf challenge to President Joe Biden, offering to donate $1 million to a charity of Biden's choice if he emerges victorious. The challenge was made during a rally in Doral, Florida, where Trump predicted that it would be one of the most-watched golf matches in history.

Trump's proposal includes a generous handicap for Biden, offering him 10 strokes per nine holes, or 20 strokes for the entire round. This is a significant advantage, as anyone familiar with golf understands that such a handicap would greatly improve Biden's chances of winning.

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Despite the perceived advantage, Biden's campaign has declined the invitation, stating that the president does not have the time to participate in such a challenge. This has led Trump to predict that Biden is unwilling to accept the challenge due to concerns about his abilities on the golf course.

The debate over golf and presidential fitness was initially ignited during a 2020 CNN debate between Trump and Biden. During the debate, Trump boasted about his stamina and mentioned his recent victories in two club championships. Biden responded by saying he would be "happy to have a driving contest" with the former president.

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Leaving politics aside, Trump's driving abilities are indeed impressive. A recent visit to his golf course in Jupiter, Florida, revealed his remarkable swing and ability to consistently hit the ball 270 yards or more. Golf experts have noted similarities between Trump's swing and those of legendary golfers Bobby Jones and Sam Snead.

According to a recent study by the USGA and R&A, the average driving distance for male golfers with a handicap between 13 and 20 is approximately 200 yards, while golfers with a handicap below six average just shy of 240 yards. Trump's driving distances rival those of many stars on the Champions Tour and some golfers on the PGA Tour.

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Despite his age of 78, Trump still regularly breaks 80 and often 70 from 6,700 to 6,800 yards. This is a remarkable feat, as most fit golfers in their 20s, 30s, and 40s struggle to break 80.

While handicaps are not widely used by recreational golfers, those who do have them pale in comparison to Trump's scores. The National Golf Foundation estimates that only around 26% of golfers regularly break 90, while only 5% score below 80.

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Golf is a notoriously challenging game, and Trump has achieved mastery in it. It is also a sport that requires stamina and thinking, both of which are valuable attributes in any profession.

Trump's emphasis on golf stamina is particularly relevant in the often-blazing heat of Florida. The heat and terrain of a golf course can take a significant toll on players, even those who use a golf cart.

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Trump Challenges Biden to Golf Match, Offers $1 Million Donation to Charity

Professional golfers attest to the importance of thinking on the course. Factors such as the best side of the fairway to aim for, the correct side to miss if necessary, and the line, speed, and break of a putt all require careful consideration.

While the proposed 18-hole challenge between Trump and Biden will not take place due to Biden's declination, it serves as a reminder that golf is a demanding sport that requires both physical and mental prowess. These are qualities that are commendable and beneficial in any field of endeavor.