Trump Demands Debate with Biden: 'Let's Go Joe'

Former President Donald Trump is urging President Joe Biden to schedule a presidential debate, expressing readiness to meet anywhere and offering suggestions such as the White House or New York City.

Trump Demands Debate with Biden: 'Let's Go Joe'

Former President Donald Trump has issued a public challenge to President Joe Biden, demanding a presidential debate now that both candidates have expressed enthusiasm for the idea. Trump penned a brief "letter to Joe" on his Truth Social platform, expressing eagerness to engage in a debate and specifying preferred venues.

"Dear Joe, now that you’ve committed to Debate on the now dying Howard Stern Show, no less, [sic] let’s set it up right now. I’m ready to go anywhere that you are," Trump wrote.

Trump Demands Debate with Biden: 'Let's Go Joe'

The former president reiterated his previous debate venue suggestions, including the White House and New York City. "We could do it in D.C., even pinpoint the White House, or in New York when your Radical Left Fascists are finished with ELECTION INTERFERENCE against your Political Opponent, ME," he continued.

Trump's demand comes in the wake of Biden's recent statement on the Howard Stern Show that he would be "happy" to debate Trump in the 2024 presidential election. The exchange has sparked a back-and-forth between the presumptive candidates.

Trump Demands Debate with Biden: 'Let's Go Joe'

On Thursday, Biden was asked by reporters if he would consider debating Trump before the election. "Set it up," Biden responded.

Despite the mutual interest, no concrete steps have been taken towards scheduling a debate. The Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) has indicated that it will proceed with its original debate schedule.

Trump Demands Debate with Biden: 'Let's Go Joe'

"The CPD’s criteria […] will be applied in early September; afterward, the Commission will extend debate invitations to qualifying candidates," the CPD told Fox News Digital last month.

The first CPD-sanctioned presidential debate is scheduled for Sept. 16 at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. Two more debates are planned for Oct. 1 in Petersburg, Virginia, and Oct. 9 in Salt Lake City, Utah. Additionally, a vice presidential debate is set to take place on Sept. 25 in Easton, Pennsylvania.

Should a debate between Trump and Biden materialize outside of CPD's framework, it remains unclear when or where it would occur. The former president has expressed a preference for a more immediate and informal setting.

"I think the whole thing with the Commission is crooked, but I'll do it if you want to do it," Trump told right-wing radio host Hugh Hewitt earlier this week.

The potential for a Trump-Biden debate has generated significant public interest, with both candidates eager to engage in a direct confrontation. However, it remains to be seen whether the logistical challenges and scheduling conflicts can be overcome to facilitate a meaningful exchange.