Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Donald Trump Jr. denounces the Democratic Party's efforts to allow non-citizens to vote, arguing that it undermines the integrity of American elections and puts America last.

In the wake of the failed assassination plot against former President Donald Trump, the country remains divided over the fundamental principles of democracy and the sanctity of our elections.

Donald Trump Jr., the former president's son, has emerged as a vocal critic of the Democratic Party's stance on non-citizen voting. He argues that their policies are fundamentally un-American and threaten the very fabric of our democratic system.

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

According to Trump Jr., Democrats have abandoned common sense and placed the interests of non-citizens before those of Americans. By opening borders and dismantling election safeguards, they have created a fertile ground for voter fraud and election interference.

Trump Jr. points to the Biden-Harris administration's handling of the border crisis as a prime example. Since the administration dismantled the Trump-era policies that effectively secured the border, nearly 10 million illegal migrants have crossed the southern border, bringing with them increased crime and security risks.

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Furthermore, Trump Jr. argues that the Democrats' support for non-citizen voting is a clear violation of basic democratic principles. He emphasizes that only citizens should have the right to decide the future of our country, and that allowing non-citizens to vote undermines the legitimacy of our elections.

However, Trump Jr. acknowledges that many states do not require proof of citizenship to vote, creating a loophole that could be exploited by non-citizens. He applauds the efforts of House Republicans to pass the SAVE Act, which would require such proof, but laments Biden's veto and Harris's lack of support for the measure.

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr. believes that the Democratic Party is actively working to dismantle the safeguards that protect the integrity of our elections. He cites lawsuits filed by leftist groups to remove common-sense election safeguards and instances of Democrats passing laws to allow non-citizen voting.

In contrast, Trump Jr. praises his father's commitment to election integrity and his unwavering support for protecting the right of Americans to decide the future of their country. He outlines legal battles being waged by the Trump Campaign and the Republican National Committee to stop non-citizen voting and ensure the validity of our elections.

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr.'s Battle Against Non-Citizen Voting: Protecting American Elections

Trump Jr. recognizes the importance of grassroots involvement in safeguarding our elections. He urges citizens to make a plan to vote, encourage others to participate, and consider volunteering to protect the vote. He believes that the upcoming election is crucial for the future of America and that citizens must unite to preserve the integrity of our democratic process.