Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

In a CNN presidential debate, former President Donald Trump criticized President Joe Biden for not firing any generals responsible for the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, calling it "the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country."


Former President Donald Trump launched a scathing attack on President Joe Biden's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal during a CNN presidential debate on Thursday. Trump accused Biden of failing to hold any generals accountable for the disastrous pullout that resulted in the deaths of 13 U.S. soldiers.

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

"He was so bad with Afghanistan," Trump said. "It was such a horrible embarrassment. Most embarrassing moment in the history of our country when Putin watched that and he saw the incompetence."

Trump insisted that Biden should have fired the generals involved in the withdrawal, just as he had done with other military leaders in the past.

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

"He should have fired those generals like I fired the one that you mentioned," Trump continued. "He's got no love lost but he should have fired those generals."

Trump went on to emphasize the magnitude of the withdrawal's failure, highlighting the loss of equipment and numerous casualties.

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

"No general got fired for the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country, Afghanistan, where we left billions of dollars of equipment behind. We lost 13 beautiful soldiers and 38 soldiers were obliterated."

Trump also asserted that Biden's presidency has had a negative impact on the country and the world.

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

Trump Lashes Out at Biden's Handling of Afghanistan Withdrawal

"The world is blowing up under President Biden," Trump said.

Biden responded to Trump's accusations, defending his decision to withdraw from Afghanistan and criticizing Trump's own foreign policy positions.

"You ever heard so much malarkey in my whole life?" Biden said.

Biden argued that the Afghan withdrawal was justified and that Trump had exacerbated tensions with Russia by praising President Vladimir Putin.

Trump countered by pointing out Biden's inaction in dismissing military officials responsible for the Afghan withdrawal.

"This guy hasn't fired anybody," Trump said.

Trump reiterated his belief that Biden should have terminated the generals involved in the withdrawal, calling it "the most embarrassing moment in the history of our country." He also questioned whether anyone had been held accountable for the surge in illegal immigration and the admission of individuals with criminal backgrounds and mental health issues.

The Biden campaign did not respond to requests for comment on Trump's criticisms.