Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Former President Trump slammed President Biden's mental acuity on Tuesday, suggesting that he is not capable of making major decisions. Trump also accused Democrats of replacing Biden with Vice President Kamala Harris at the top of the 2024 ticket, calling it a "coup."

Former President Trump launched a scathing attack on President Biden on Tuesday, questioning his mental fitness and claiming that decisions in the White House are being made by a group of "fascists, communists, and Marxists."

In an interview with Fox News host Laura Ingraham, Trump said he believes that Biden is not making any of the big decisions, adding, "I don't think he knows he's alive." Trump also accused Democrats of orchestrating a "coup" by effectively replacing Biden with Harris in the lead-up to the 2024 presidential election.

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

"They took the presidency away. His wife didn't want it to happen. They took the presidency away like he was a child," Trump told Ingraham.

Trump went on to suggest that Harris is not qualified to be president, pointing to her lack of experience and her alleged radical views. He also criticized Harris's use of gender pronouns, saying, "I have no... I don't want pronouns. I don't want pronouns... Nobody even knows what that means."

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Trump's comments come as he faces increasing scrutiny over his own mental fitness. In recent months, he has made a series of controversial statements, including denying the results of the 2020 election and promoting conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccines.

Some political analysts have suggested that Trump's attacks on Biden are a sign of weakness, as he senses that Harris is a formidable opponent in the 2024 election. Trump is likely to face Harris in November, as she seeks to officially become the Democratic presidential nominee at the August Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

In the meantime, Trump continues to hold rallies and make public appearances, where he often makes inflammatory and baseless claims. His supporters remain loyal, but it remains to be seen whether he can maintain his popularity and win back the presidency in 2024.

While Trump has repeatedly made false and misleading claims about the 2020 election and COVID-19, his supporters continue to believe him. This is a major concern, as it undermines trust in democracy and makes it difficult to address real problems.

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

Trump on Biden: 'I Don't Think He Knows He's Alive'

It is important to remember that Trump is not the only politician who makes false or misleading statements. However, his repeated use of such tactics is particularly dangerous because he has a large following and because he is willing to use his power to undermine democratic institutions.

In the run-up to the 2024 presidential election, it is more important than ever to be informed about the facts and to hold politicians accountable for their words and actions. We must not allow Trump or any other politician to undermine our democracy or to spread disinformation.

The future of our democracy depends on it.