Trump Raises $12 Million at San Francisco Fundraiser, Secures Endorsement from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist

Former President Donald Trump raised $12 million at a fundraiser in San Francisco hosted by tech leaders David Sacks and Chamath Paliphapitiya. Sacks endorsed Trump, citing his record on high tech and his leadership abilities.

Trump Raises $12 Million at San Francisco Fundraiser, Secures Endorsement from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist

Former President Donald Trump's recent fundraiser in San Francisco, hosted by tech leaders David Sacks and Chamath Paliphapitiya, has garnered significant attention. The event, which raised an impressive $12 million, also marked a major endorsement for Trump from Sacks, a top Silicon Valley venture capitalist.

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Trump expressed his gratitude for the support, attributing it to his accomplishments during his presidency. "These are brilliant guys — AI guys — these are the guys that are doing all the things you read about," Trump said of Sacks and Paliphapitiya.

Trump Raises $12 Million at San Francisco Fundraiser, Secures Endorsement from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist

Trump further emphasized the importance of his administration's policies for the high-tech industry, highlighting the reduced regulation that he believes fostered growth. "For four years, they did better than they’ve ever done — they had less regulation, and they are a group that cannot stand regulation because it hinders their path to growth," Trump asserted.

Sacks' endorsement of Trump stemmed from his approval of the former president's policies on high tech and his belief in Trump's leadership capabilities. "My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability — issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back," Sacks explained.

Trump Raises $12 Million at San Francisco Fundraiser, Secures Endorsement from Silicon Valley Venture Capitalist

Trump's fundraiser was held in the heart of San Francisco, a traditionally blue city, where he was met with unexpected warmth. "When Secret Service took us through the middle of San Francisco, there were thousands of people waving," Trump recounted. "We’re talking the heart of San Francisco — people were screaming on the streets with love. It was a very nice thing to see."

Trump's success in raising funds and gaining support from tech leaders highlights the evolving political landscape, where traditional partisan boundaries are becoming less clear. His ability to secure endorsements from individuals who may not align with his entire platform underscores the complexity of political preferences, especially in the technology sector.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Trump's fundraising efforts, endorsements, and political maneuvering will undoubtedly be closely scrutinized. His San Francisco fundraiser and the endorsement from Sacks serve as a reminder of his continued ability to garner support from unexpected corners and challenge political expectations.