Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Former President Donald Trump continues to mock Joe Biden's golf abilities, claiming that Biden couldn't drive a ball 50 yards and challenging him to a match for charity.

Former President Donald Trump, known for his love of golf, has reignited his criticism of Joe Biden's golf skills following a viral debate discussion between the two leaders in June. Trump has repeatedly questioned Biden's self-proclaimed handicap of six, suggesting that it is vastly inflated.

In a recent video filmed on the golf range with YouTuber Travis Miller, Trump reiterated his skepticism of Biden's ability. "You think Joe Biden can do that?" Trump asked Miller after hitting a drive. "He's not a six. He's not a 60. I'll give you a million dollars if you can break 100. If you're a six, you can break 100 easily. But he can't."

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Trump's comments follow a debate between the two candidates in Atlanta, where he boasted about his club championship wins and claimed that Biden couldn't hit the ball 50 yards. Biden countered by stating that he had reduced his golf handicap to a six during his time as vice president, later correcting it to an eight.

Trump's handicap has been recorded as low as 2.5, significantly lower than Biden's claimed handicap. Trump has also stated that he has recorded eight holes-in-one during his lifetime.

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

During a rally at his golf course in Miami in July, Trump offered to face Biden in a match and donate $1 million to a charity of Biden's choice if he lost. Trump said he would even give Biden "10 strokes a side."

Trump has expressed confidence that he would easily defeat Biden in a match, suggesting that it would be "among the most-watched sporting events in history. Maybe bigger than the Ryder Cup or even the Masters."

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Trump Rips Biden's Golf Skills After Viral Debate Discussion

Trump's criticism of Biden's golf skills has been met with mixed reactions. Some have found it amusing, while others have criticized Trump for focusing on trivial matters rather than more pressing issues.

Regardless of the merits of the debate, it has undoubtedly brought attention to the world of golf and the perceived differences in skill between Trump and Biden. Whether or not the two leaders ever face off on the course remains to be seen, but the discussion has certainly added fuel to the political fire.