Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

In a stunning move, former President Donald Trump granted an exclusive interview to Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), on the social media platform. The interview, which lasted for over 30 minutes, covered a wide range of topics, including the border crisis, inflation, foreign policy, and technology.

All right, Donald Trump just did what Kamala Harris is apparently unwilling or unable to do: He gave an interview. And it was with someone Kamala definitely wouldn't talk to - Elon Musk.

The interview took place on X, formerly known as Twitter, formerly known as the place where fans asked for pictures of my feet. After a 30-minute delay, Trump and Musk chewed the fat like lions, eating The View.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

I'm sure Kamala was listening to see which campaign promises she could claim as her own. She's been mimicking Trump so well she's getting stalked by Stormy Daniels.

The two men discussed many issues, including the border crisis. I wonder, are they coming from Africa or are they coming from Asia? Are they coming from the Middle East? Are they coming from South America? Are they coming from everywhere? And how many of them are really bad ones?

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

DONALD TRUMP: They're coming from Africa. They're coming from Asia. They're coming from the Middle East. They're coming from South America. They're coming from everywhere. And there are a lot of really bad ones.

Yep, I knew it. Trump put the blame right where it belongs-- on Biden's border czar.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

DONALD TRUMP: She could close it up right now. She tries to pretend like she's going to do something. She was the border czar and you...and people can't allow them to get away with their disinformation campaign.

That's the great thing about Kamala's vice presidency. She's done nothing, and she does it better than anybody else.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump and Musk also discussed inflation, which is a problem if you've been to a grocery store or a gas station lately, or so I'm told by the orphans who do my shopping.

DONALD TRUMP: Four years ago, five years ago, people were saving a lot of money. Today, they're using all their money and borrowing money just to live.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump blames the cost of oil, a direct result of Biden's disastrous foreign policy. Russia invaded Ukraine, Hamas attacked Israel, and the U.S. left Afghanistan in tatters. I'd say this happened on Joe's watch, but who am I kidding? Joe wasn't watching. He was napping.

Iran is even closer to nukes, and Saudi Arabia won't even take Joe's calls, even when he says he's calling to warn them that their cars' extended warranty is about to expire. But Trump? He knows Putin. He knows President Xi. He knows Kim Jong-un.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

DONALD TRUMP: I know Putin, I know President Xi, I know Kim Jong-un of North Korea. They're at the top of their game. They are tough, they're smart, they're vicious, and they're going to protect their country. When they see a Kamala or when they see, Biden, Sleepy Joe, they can't even believe it.

He also warned Iran not to mess around.

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

Trump Steals Kamala Harris's Thunder: Grants Exclusive Interview to Elon Musk on X

DONALD TRUMP: And I don't want to do anything bad to Iran, but they knew not to mess around.

What's Harris going to do? Cackle them to death? Deploy a crack squad of Hollywood D-listers? Have Kathy Griffin parachute in and the mullahs will want to cut their own heads off.

So is Kamala a radical left lunatic?

DONALD TRUMP: She's a radical left lunatic. And if she's going to be our president... very quickly, you're not going to have a country anymore.

No more country. Isn't that what the radical left wants? But you wouldn't have heard any of this if the media had its way. Time-traveling hacks slammed the chat before it started, even though three years of watching Joe Biden crossing over caught them by surprise.

It's amazing that we live in an era where reporters are asking if we don't have enough censorship. Meanwhile, an EU regulator warned if the chat contained misinformation that they would take legal action, which in itself told us that a) this is why America has a First Amendment, and b) the next time Europe needs us to save them in a world war, they can go themselves.

But all in all, we didn't really learn anything about Trump that we didn't know already. The bigger story is that the most important figures in the world agree about the world, three, if you include me.

The greatest tech genius ever and the most consequential political figure today talked on an equal footing. It was like me talking to a mirror. Trump knew everything Musk brought up – energy, AI, economic development, and he didn't cackle like a glue-sniffing hyena once. And zero questions about ice cream.

No other politician could engage on future problems like this. Most would need a staff of ten doing packets of research for each topic, and they still would have no idea what to think. Trump joked that Biden or Kamala couldn't do this, but the fact is, not many people could.

By the way, Musk also says he's happy to host Kamala on an X Spaces, too.

It's an open invitation, like the one I have to Kudlow's hot tub. But you think she'd ever sit down with Musk? Nah, she's too busy listening to her favorite up-and-coming rapper.

Team Kamala put out a statement about the interview: "Trump's entire campaign is in service of people like Musk and himself, self-obsessed rich guys who will sell out the middle class."

Yeah, self-obsessed rich guys. One who's exploring space, mass-produced electric cars, created a device to help paralyzed people communicate, using devices that harness brain activity and many other things to better our world.

And the other guy – he could be enjoying his retirement, and the billions that he earned building things, but he took a bullet while working a job he agreed to not get paid for. You really got him pegged. Just a bunch of self-obsessed rich guys.

Maybe to progressives who think meritocracy is a bad word and achievement is conflated with oppression. Self-obsessed, my gorgeously sculpted a**.

All right, you can applaud. Again, could Harris do any of this, much less discuss it? Here she is explaining artificial intelligence as the AI czar.

KAMALA HARRIS: I think the first part of this issue that should be articulated is AI is kind of a fancy thing. It's first of all, two letters. It means artificial intelligence. But ultimately, what it is, is it's about machine learning.

I'd say Harris could benefit from Musk's neural implants, but you need actual brain activity to get it to work.